The Evergreen State College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I liked the small class sizes, and the interpersonal relationship possibilities with students and faculty were much better than at a larger school. This came with both good and bad things, sometimes extra attention is great, sometimes it is NOT so great. I like the interdisciplinary nature of the classes, and the 16-credit programs definitely have their merits. I also like the ability of students to create contracts to fulfill their own educational goals. This made it easy for me to fill the prerequisites for my Master's program without having to take many separate classes.


I like that there is an evaluation system because it allows for a better reflection on what you learned during the different classes and is a good reminder to make connections with professors. The 16 credit classes also creates an interesting inter-displinary aspect to the subjects and allows for collaborative teaching.


The educational aspect.


Interdisciplinary programs.


The amazing professors. They are eager to teach/help.


There are no prerequisites, no required classes, and you can design your own major. This is great because it allows those going on to graduate school ot get a leg up on things like independant research.


The way the educational system is set up allows for close contact and work with other students and teachers. There are lots of hands on work in all the classes with great project and interdisciplenary work.


At Evergreen you an truelly be independant, if you want to study somthing no matter how odd, crazy or normal if you can find a sponsor you can be your own tearch.


My education is in my hands and I am learning excatly what I want to learn


People that attend The Evergreen State College don't go here for a degree... They go for an education. With a curriculum that gives hands on experience in the field, it is hard not to learn everything you want to learn about an individual subject. It is easy to focus on and get completely rounded in your major course of study when you aren't distracted by irrelevant classes and scheduling conflicts. Evergreen is set up in such a way to optimize the 'worth' of a college.