The Evergreen State College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


The Winter time in the Pacific Northwest is really rainey.


The amount of self-motivation needed to sustain alll 4 years of college. Also, a little more about meal plans.


That Olympia is a boring shitty small town & there is NOTHING to do here. Also Evergreen is full of hippies, lots of people who smoke pot and play jam music & other things I dont like. Though I am very liberal, it is difficult to find like -minded people interested in avant garde art & literature and music. Most people like really "bohemian" hippy stuff which I find to be an absolute bore.


I wish I had known campus a little bit better. When you first arrive, campus seems a little far spread and hard to locate buildings.


All about the amazing facilities offered and how to get access to them.


The horrible food service and lack of alternate food options to on-campus students.