How much of my learning can be easily applied to everyday life. My personal growth.
I like that I can take a number of different classes from fiber arts to math.
The Evergreen State College offers a chance to really put a lot of yourself into your own education. Your success and failure is completely dependent on how much work and dedication you are willing to dedicate to your work. Going her has allowed me to work alongside other students who actually care about their education.
Furthermore, the interdisciplinary approach that Evergreen favors allows me to lean how things like how Biology, Chemistry, and Ethics all tie in together in the field of medicine.
There is a pioneering spirit here that cannot be found in many other American Schools.
I tell them about the beautiful location and the great extracurricular activities that Evergreen has to offer. I also like to brag about Evergreen's known status as a social activist location.
We can follow anything we are passionate about and don't have many systematic hoops to jump through. I love everything I have studied and have had amazing professors.
I tell them that I love the cultural and unique aspect of The Evergreen State College. Every student and faculty member are so different and excepting of each other's beliefs and lifestyles. There are also a lot of cultural events and speakers that occur on campus that are extremely inspiring and enjoyable. The classes are also very interesting and diverse. Not only is the personality of the school amazing, but the learning set up is too. Instead of grades at the end of the quarter, the teacher gives out evaluations of how you did in the class.
"Evergreen is diverse and accepting. It is comfortable and you always feel like you can be yourself."
When I brag about my school to others, I talk about the diversity in the teaching methods that soildify postive experences and foundation for personal growth.
When I talk about my school and what I love most about it is the fact that I feel that I have finally found my place in education and that I am really starting to find out who I am. School has always been hard for me. So this year I have really worked hard to find who I am and what I want my education to be about. Evergreen has given that to me.
When I tell people about Evergreen, I talk first talk about how there are no grades, but rather evaluations. What I brag about is the open and accepting campus and student population, and the integration of so many subjects and ideas into one program. I tell them about how great it is to go to a college where I actually care about my curriculum and learning because I am able to ask it questions and get what I want out of it. I will never regret my decision to go to this institution of higher learning.