Evergreen State College is best known for being the school that uses evaulations instead of grades and teaches courses with the aim to broaden understanding throughout multiple disciplines.
The Evergreen State College imbues an essential element missing in most collegiate environments- innumerable opportunities and connections. The infinite growth capacity presents another exclusive aspect. The aura and reputation is why people who want to put theory into application enroll. This school has fundamentally altered the lens in which approaches to political, social, and environment fields are, viewed. We draw the lines between relationships of several disciplines using holistic perspectives. I love participating in an environment that enhances the lives of local to global communities, enhances the learning experience, and acts as an exemplary model for any college.
Evergreen is known for the importance it places on environmental protection; many of the buildings on campus are sustainable and environmentally friendly, and the college focuses on reducing waste and recycling. Evergreen's unique "program" system is also notable; students take only one program at a time, giving them the chance to focus on one topic while exploring it in an interdisciplinary fashion. Most importantly, Evergreen is best known for the freedom it gives to its students, allowing them to study what they choose, and create their own programs, which encourages self-motivation and keeps students interested in their studies.
Integration of curriculum by creating "programs" is Evergreen's strength. Intead of taking 3 different classes you sign up for a program that has all the elements integrated into it. The instructors work together to make the presentation comprehensive, interwoven and compelling in all areas.
No Grades! And the mascot is a Geo-Duck. (You'll have to Google/Bing that...it's really odd.)
The Evergreen State College is best known for its liberal arts, its heavy focus on sustainability and its open mindedness to racial, sexual and cultural differences.
Political freedoms, protesting, lack of a grading system, progressive thinking, friendly people.
For an engaging and demanding academic field. We have a different approach to learning, with our Evaluation system and intimate class sizes. We're on a first name basis with all of our proffesors and we're also known to be a very liberal small college.
A unique approach to acdemics which focuses on interdisciplinary learning. We don't get grades, we get evaluations. We have 1000 acres.