Texas Tech University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Texas Tech University?


Texas Tech's beautiful and spread out campus along with its recreational center allow for physically appealing students. In addition, people who are physically fit tend to have the capacity to perform extensively better on mental tasks.


That our football team is undefeated so far and I am an athletic trainer for the team.


What I like most about Texas Tech University, being in a small town, is that everyone begins to know everyone after a while so it is easier to become friends with more students, or students going to other colleges around the city. It creates a healthy diversity and overall acceptance of common differences.


I really love that the people are all so accepting and the fact that every one gets along no matter what. You could be white, black, purple, green, buddhist, catholic, indian and everyone would be cool with it and just say hey I don't care but let us all get together and have a great time. It's the most fun and it feels like such a big family when your own family isn't there.