Texas Tech University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Texas Tech University?


Professors around the campus pretty much know your name only depends on the class size and if you're the student that always asks questions. Honestly, my least favorite class is Political Science. I haven't had a favorite class yet...but it's pretty cool if you have funny classmates. Like every other students at any other school we only study if we are going to have an exam and mostly the day or weekend before.


I attended another college before TTU and I think that the classes at TTU are significantly easier than classes at other collges. You do get to know your prof and your classmates pretty well. The Addictive Disorders and Recovery Studies program is probably the best and one of the most personal programs at TTU. Most programs within the Human Sciences major are great and the teachers really care about your sucess. Intellectual converstaions outside of class are limited. Most of the people that go here think they have the world figured out and live in their conservative mindset with out properly defending their remarks. I think the teachers try to expand the ideas and beliefs of the students but they often dont succeed because many of the students are to busy trying to look cool to actually think about things that are comming up in discussions.


Everything varies here. Some majors are amazing and some need work. The science department needs work. Chemistry, math, physics, biology are all a pain. There are only a few great teachers and if you are in the honors college you get all the amazing chemistry professors. Most teachers in the biology department talk about their research all the time which has nothing to do with what's going to be on the next test but they try to tie it in. The physics department as a whole just sucks. As a science major you learn the art of teaching your self and studying all the time. Even if you study all the time you still might not do so hot in the class. Math is full of teachers you can't understand because of their accent. Its a pain because alot of them arent helpful. Foriegn language department well at least the Spanish program has tons of things in place so that you can learn the lanuage and no one learns it. So you are stuck doing tons of work, which is great for your grade but sucks if you are taking alot of hours or just plain lazy. English, Sociology, History, Psychology are all pretty cool. Never had a bad teacher in any of those classes.


Classes at Tech are really good. I have had extremely excellent professors, most of which I would be able to go back to for a recommendation or help on anything. Alot of professsors want to get to know you and what to see that you are interested in the their class. I have had a few professors who know alot about my life and what I went through. Many are willing to help you and if you go and explain to them what is going on in your life they will help you out.


Students are very competitive at Texas Tech. I meet with professors and discuss concepts in class, and they are always willing to meet with me.


the academics are okay i mean we aren't harvard or princeton so don't expect curriculum of that magnitude. my favorite class so far has been intro to mass comm. with dr. dean he is an awesome professor he makes me glad i chose mass comm. as my major. my actual major is electronic media and communication i want to be a program director at a classic rock station i chose tech because of their awesome student media would help me get some experience points.


Everything is of high standard and nothing is give to you.


Academics are pretty good. I have learned that every teacher is different. Sometimes you get great teachers and sometimes you don't, and i believe it's a matter of opinion. Everyone has different learning styles. Most of the teachers are awesome and want you to come to their office to talk to them and ask for help if you need it.


the ag college is some what small so most of the professors know their student's names


The professors are actually great. Most schools complain about not being able to understand their professors, especially in the engineering department. I have alot of friends that have no trouble with that. Most professors will work with you and the class sizes are pretty small once you get into your major.