Not by any means. We are just like every other standard college town.
A lot of A&M is tradition but not everyone is into all of the traditions. Most people pick and choose what they want to follow and participate in.
Even though the campus is really conservative there are liberals on campus. I personally don't think that there are that many but the ones that are liberal just tend to be loud.
I think there are some individuals that hold up this stereotype, but no it is mostly false. There are those few that make the rest of us look bad. All we can do is try our best to correct it.
While all of these stereotypes do have a glimmer of validity, the extent at which they are viewed is ridiculous. Yes many of the students at TAMU listen to country music and enjoy a good two-step every once in a while, but this stereotype does not encompass everyone, for the campus does have a very small amount of diversity, with a few student groups representing other cultures, interests, and lifestyles. Most of campus is White, however, and there aren't many minority students. The majority of the campus is probably politically conservative, but there are a great number of liberals and moderates, as well as students that have yet to find their political bearings. Being a legacy is something that numerous students take great pride in, but like me, there is an immense group of students with absolutely no family background or prior affiliation to TAMU. The "Aggie Spirit", however, is far from being a myth; the traditions and customs at TAMU are unparalleled in their originality and intensity. The "Aggie Spirit" is something that cannot be experienced at any other university; it is contagious and incoming students often feel its effect immediately upon entry to the university - especially during "Gig 'Em" week!
Not at all. Though TAMU is known for the Corps of Cadets, out of 46,000 students only 1,800 are in the Corps. TAMU is recognized as a front-runner in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, and the Vet Schhol/Bush School are tops in their fields. The student body is very kind and generous and respect is given to all. It does not take long for a student to feel at home on this campus, and making friends is an easy task. The traditions here at TAMU are unmatched at any other campus in the US or the world.
Not at all. Brilliant people go to TAMU.
kiss my ass, everyone who graduates here with any type of real degree will be bossing around any shit kicker from any other school within five years
No generally. However, there are plenty of other idenitites that describe A&M just as much as being agricultrual related!