Tarleton State University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about my school is that they make the attempt to include everybody in everything. It is a very "family" based school and it shows that they make the attempt to make sure that everyone is involved in something. They really make the effort to make the students feel at home.


The fact that I was able to get in and get out and get my degree.


The best thing about Tarleton State University is the loyalty of the alumni. The school spirit is so strong and alumni are all so willing to help current students find jobs after graduation and organizations to be involed in.


The friendliness of the students and staff!


It allows me to take classes away from Stephenville, in Waco. The courses are the same, I receive the same degree(s), and am able to remain in Waco, where I live and work.


Tarleon State University is part of the Texas A&M universty System. It has a beautiful campus with a smalltown feel that provides a big city education. TSU was one f he best experiences of my life.


Tarleton State University offers something for everyone. Students can be as involved as they wish to be which is very nice for a college student. There is an organization, class, or club for every interest one may have. And, if there is not something for you, start a new club. My friends did when we were students! P.A.N.K.U.S. is a very active spirit organization that everyone will love! TSU is known for the traditions such as the Purple Poo, Duck Camp, Beating the Drum during homecoming week, and the athletic teams being very competitive.


There are so many things about my school that I would love to share with you, but you only asked for one. I feel that the very best thing about my school are the S.I. sessions. The sessions are for students who may not understand or just need extra help with their homework or studies. This program has helped to give me a better understanding about my studies. The tutors, which are current students who understand and major in that area, are very positive, respectful, and caring. They keep contact with you to see if things are better.


The best thing about Tarleton State University is the student body and staff. Everyone is so supportive of each other in anything and everything someone does. No matter if you are walking down the street and "random high-five guy" peps up your day, or your freshman seminar professor gives you a warm smile and greeting as you step in her classroom everyday, Tarleton is filled with love and respect for one another. The students and staff give Tarleton its soul and momentum to do great things as a university, creating its spirit, humbleness and family atmosphere.


Tarleton is alot cheaper than other colleges. While most colleges are like 25, 000 dollars Tarleton is so much cheaper.