Sweet Briar College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Sweet Briar College know before they start?


Dear Highschool Bethany, I know you have heard the phrase "old habits die hard". That statement is more true than anything. Study your hardest and do not ever blow off your homework to go get icecream with your friends. Those friends are not going to get you a degree or pay you for keeping them company. Quit misplacing your pencils and always use a pen to take notes (highlighters smear the pencil lead). Invest in notecards! It is easier to flip through a hundred small cards with one subject on each one as compared to a decrepit notebook. The last thing I have to tell you is to never take the meals mother makes you for granted. Treasure those homecooked meals. Forever yours, College Bethany


High School Me, When you look in the mirror you don’t see yourself. Instead you see what society sees- nothing; nothing as in invisible, invisible as in unseen, unworthy, unable, unattractive, and unheard. Yes, I am aware you are a “double whammy” black and female and underestimated. Don’t let that stop you. Stand up straight, keep your head held high, and have some confidence in yourself and your abilities. I know this is easier said than done, but I urge you to try. You are an intelligent girl with a passion for learning, a hunger for knowledge, and future that is as luminous as the moon. Although you have trouble seeing the light inside of you I implore you to take a closer look. Remember: if you do not believe in yourself, no one ever will.


I would advise myself to not get caught up in the idea of what you think you are going to become in college. So many individuals think they are going to go to college and be a different person than whom they were in high school. While this is true for many individuals, there is always part of you that is going to remain no matter where you go. Don't choose a school because you like that it embodies the eprson you hope to become and you can see yourself fitting in there eventually. College is a huge adjustment and you can't completely alter who you are during that transition. Also, don't deny that you are going to be homesick sometimes. Everybody thinks that they won't be and many people just want to escape where they have grown up but a part of you will always be where you came from. Choose a college that you can truly see yourself at, not only the idea of being there.


I would tell myself: Spend more time with your family. You don't think you're going to miss them, but you are, and it's quite horrible sometimes. They aren't going to visit often, and you're verry close to your family so make the most of the time you have left. Also, try to get the books ahead of time so that you will have the books on the first day of class and so that you will be able to try to start getting ahead right away. Getting ahead on the work in college really pays off, because there is so much of it. Once you are ahead in the homework, you don't have to stress as much over it. And remember, try not to stress so much. It gets in the way of actually doing all your homework, and Mom says you're going to get an ulcer if you don't get it under control. Exercise regularly. The physical activity helps. Exercise after you've finished your homework, so that you can exercise without worrying about it. And try to enjoy school. It's scary, being away, but it's worth it.


I stare at my younger reflection, amused by my rotund, protruding cheeks and brilliantly clear sclera-- the alabaster shade that only youth possess, clear and resilient and not yet yellowed and reddened by college-induced all nighters. My lesson to myself is simple: one that I learned even before high school in Ms. Sweitzer's 7th grade english class when reading the coming of age novel, "Walk Two Moons". I gaze into those pristine eyes and sagely advise, "When making decisions, it is important to put it into perspective and consider the impact in the following way: 'in the course of your lifetime, how will this affect you? Too often one dwells on the benign, menial issues and does more harm than good, all the while not realizing the impact of a broader issue. '"


If I could tell my younger self about the first year in college, I would say; “Tiffanie your first year in college will be challenging, but enjoy the process. The challenge is the transition to a new life without your parents, and the enjoyment comes from the journey. Most people say that your first year of college will be the hardest, Tiffanie believe me they are right. Yes it will be hard but you will make it. The most important thing to remember is that your parents will always be there to listen during those tough times and encourage push forward.” Next the benefits of the process would be explained. I would tell Tiffanie, “Though the first year is tough, the benefits are out of this world. You will be stretched, which will help you mature and gain confidence your newly discovered abilities. Become open minded to your new life. Don’t be afraid about fitting in or trying to look and be perfect. Know that every other student feels the same way. They feel scared and alone yet; it won’t be long before you find friends. So take one step at time,knowing you willl reach the top.


Traveling back in time to visit my high school would be great. I would tell myself that choose Sweet Briar College and go with your heart. Also I would tell myself to apply to tons more scholarship and that financial aid only covers half and you have to come up with the other half. That is one mistake and over site that I wish I could go back and change.


Don’t be nervous! It’ll all work out. That sounds so cliché, I know, but it is true. College is one of those turning points in people’s lives, and being a very responsible high school student you will be able to handle the new environment with ease. Use everything as a learning opportunity so instead of making simple mistakes take the following advice. In a few months you will be leaving your family, so spend more time with them. You will learn that they are actually funny people and support you and all of your decisions. Don’t waste your time on Facebook. Instead of looking at your friends’ lives in pictures, go spend time with them. Go with your gut instinct and stop being so logical; second guessing yourself is not going to land you in the right place. Also, a social life is just as important as maintaining good grades; sustain a healthy balance between the two. College is a great opportunity for you to show your independence. You will succeed if you keep your mind to it and don’t lose focus.


I would tell myself to plan out things beforehand. For instance in High School it was suggusted by my teachers that I should write out all the due dates of my assignments in a planner. However, I could always get by with keeping the dates in my head. However, at Sweet Briar this is not possible. One thing I learned was that more than one long paper will always be assigned and atleast two will always be due on the same day. In sum I was only able to get through my first year because I planned out my papers and projects way before they were due. I also would tell myself to take less items with me to college. When I got to my dorm it was smaller then I thought it was going to be and I had issues placing all the items I brought so they would fit. Lastlly I would tell myslf that an essential item is a mini-file cabinent. It is amazing how many papers you aquire during your first year of college. If you don't have anywhere to put them then the dorm becomes quite overwhelmed with paper items.


I have gotten a new perspective on people from other places and it's helped me know how to interact better with others.