Stetson University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Stetson University know before they start?


Confidence. Every time I make an appeal to a prospective college student or ask myself this question I always come up with this word. I believe high school offers a unique experience, where self assurance is built and students really get to know themselves. As a high school senior I knew I wanted to be a teacher. In fact, I knew since I was in elementary school myself. Then, however, it was easier to beat myself up when I didn’t score perfectly on exams I studied hard for. Now that I can clearly see the benefit of my natural drive to do my best, I would regress two years and give myself surety of my success to come. I surprise myself all the time; It’s incredible how much I’m capable of and how hard I work. With the help of my professors I'm already closer to fulfilling my dream than I ever I thought I’d be. I love working with children; I've been volunteering at local schools and have even landed a teaching apprenticeship. Confidence, although it was acquired over time for me, is what motivated and still motivates me to expand my limits.


You NEED to get organized! Make a schedule, make a budget, and find the motivation you need to spent four more years of your life in an expensive school while working two to three other jobs. Also, don't go with management...pick marketing :)


Going back in time and the advice that I would give to my high school self are few simple things. 1) Become more organized not only in my learning but how I organize my work in folders etc. 2) Take dual-enrollment classes so to give myself the advantage of having a step up in my college status. 3) Develop better study habits, in high school where I could cram the night before and ace every test, in college that is not at all possible. In college having structured study habit can take you a long way. Study groups and doing well-informed study guide are very instrumental for success within college. Last and most important I would tell my past self being lazy and lackluster is bad. In high school where you can switch often once in a while and still be average, in college that is certain not possible. In college you must stay upon your game at all times, submit all your work on time because in college the professors aren't there to baby you but to produce successful citizens of society. In simple terms don't be average strive to become extraordinary.


Dear High Schooler Me, I know you want to take as many credits as you can your first semester: don't. Life is hard enough without eighteen credit hours of Chemistry, Calculus, Italian, and so on. Here's another idea: don't plan to major in Biochemistry. Why don't you take Intro to Linguistics instead? Trust me, you'll love it. Spend more time reading the text books, they actually work, and study hard. The first year is always the hardest. Stay strong little me. Keep at it.


Dear Diamante, I know you may seem confused on whats next but take it easy youl make. Two years from now youl get accepted to oregon even though they denied you the first time. Keep your competitive spirt hard work and drive to be the best stay postive its going to be alright . Your bright kid everyone will see it some day. Dream reality, life is what you make it this is only step one.


i would let myself know that now is the time to make anything happen that i wanted and that i should not wait.


I would make myself as strong of an individual as I am today, and overcome all the personal struggles I went through that caused my grades to fall terribly, which made all the colleges I applied to decline me. I very do wish that I could go back in time. Life would be much easier if only had the strength then, that I have now. However, there is a flip-side to this, because I believe the strength I have now is directly because of who I was in highschool, and all the negative results of not getting into a good college is what spurred me on into becoming who I am today. So, to be clear, I do not really know whether I would want to change anything. Everything in life shapes who a person is, and I am happy with who I am.


Looking back on what I know now versus my senior year of high school, if I could give my past self advice that would improve my future at the university level, it would be to always stay focused and determined and always study and work hard but do not over do it. It's good to have free-time to socialize and have fun. Though, you must always remember that there is a time and a place for play-time. Keep in mind your over-all goals! School comes first! And finally, live and be as and who you are because people like you better that way. Remember to smile!


I have gotten a lot out of my first semester in college and it has only been one semester. Mostly I have learned that challenge is a good thing,because it shows you that you can things that at the beginning you thought would be impossible. Experiencing challenges is valuable for all aspects of life, because you are going to experience adveristy and challenges everywhere and learning how to deal wuth those things in college saves us the trouble of learning them later when it will be too late.


I have been able to find a freedom from my abusive home life. School is my key to a new life for myself and my younger brother. College also has made me more aware of the world. I have also had the pleasure of meeting many professors who are true altruistic people. The experience is worth all of the stuggles.