Always put education first. Concentrate solely on your classes and homework. Study hard and review your notes at least once a day and always be prepared for class. Don't stay up late. Getting enough sleep every night is extremely important as well. If you are running on less than three hours of sleep, it is more than likely that you're not paying attention in class and dozing off instead. Do not overthink things and try to be as stress free as possible. This is going to be the best four years of your life. You're going to meet new people, gain new friendships, and be introduced to a variety of cultures from around the world. Enjoy it!
Looking back to my high school self, going into college, I would tell myself to take advantage of every activity and opportunity given to me at Stetson. Because it is such a small school, the possibilities are endless. I would tell myself to be as outgoing as possible and network as much as I can. Networking can help you with your future in many different aspects. I would also tell myself to stay positive and always remember that in the end, it'll always be okay. Because no matter how difficult some life situations may seem, they can always be worse. I would tell myself to be extremely grateful for the abundance of opportunities handed to me, and the numerous of close friends that are always there for me. Lastly, and probably the single most important advice I would give myself, would be to work hard at everything I do. Talent alone means nothing. Talent can't grow unless you practice, never give up, and work your very hardest in every possible aspect. In order to reach my goals, hard work from the very beginning is extremely detrimental.
I would start off by telling myself that hard work will get me everywhere I need to be in life. College has taught me that perserverence and willingness to get things accomplished is the key to success. I was very focused in high school, but I never had to be as dedicated to my work as I am now. Stetson University has allowed me to develop a sense of responsilibity and work ethic that I didn't have in high school. The best advice I could give myself is that all my good deeds and hard work are what count in college, and to continue on the path I have started trekking on.
If I had the change to go back in time and tell my high school senior self, I would say to not be scared of the future. Don't hold back to the decision that can really make or break you.In high school, education was my top priority; and it still is. When I was accepted to Stetson University, I was escatic. Here in my front of my eyes was an oppertunity I couldn't pass up. But, I was scared about what my family would say, how much the tuition was and if I could even afford it with finanical aid's funding. Now, after a year being on Stetson's beautiful campus, I can say that I made the right choice. So, if I really went back to my high school days? I would tell myself: "Take the change to make a better you. It will pay off. Don't be afraid. If I have the support of my friends and family, I can do anything. You will do everything."
After experiencing two years in college I would have given myself the advice to get started early. I was in the International Baccalaureate program at my high school, but it would have been useful to lend more of my time to internships or Dual Enrollment classes at the local state college. By the time I had graduated high school I knew how to write a good essay and analyze a piece of text like it was no big deal, however, I witnessed several Dual Enrollment students walk across the stage at graduation with an associate degree. I want to attend graduate school to become a research biologist and if I had spent my high school years to get ahead I could be a college graduate with a bachelor's degree already pursuing a higher degree. I would have given myself the advice to not wile away my high school years, but put them toward bettering myself and achieving my long term goals.
Make sure you stay in track of your academics and don't stress too much. Don't let anything distract you from school and be prepare to work hard.
Don't slack off on homework so much because it is never going to go away and the better grades you get, the more financial aid you qualify for and I definitely need that. Also, get more involved with school because everyone is involved on campus in college and it actually is fun and you meet lots of cool people.
If I could go back in time, and give myself some advice about college, the number one thing I would tell myself is to practice time management. There is always some new event going on, and it’s easy to begin procrastinating on important assignments, especially because as a college freshman you get excited about... everything. I might also mention the benefits of a planner because I have found that you cannot possibly fit all the assignments you get onto your hand like you did in high school.
Another piece of advice I would give myself is to not over stress myself, because it’s an easy way to psyche yourself out of trying your best, and giving your all in whatever the situation. In my first semester in college I often found that when I calmed down, and looked for a solution to my problem, or decided to do my best, and just accept the outcome I got better results, and I came out of the situation looking smart, flexible, and creative. I soon after realized that there was no point in freaking out about what has been done when you still have a chance to change the outcome.
I would advise myself to take my time when choosing a school and to start searching for schools early on. It is important not to rush into any decision and choosing a college is a very important decision for every high school senior. It's vital not to rush into a school before visiting it or going to a school because of friends or other smaller factors that play into the decision. It is helpful to make a list of things that are important to me when looking for in a school. Also, after each visit to make pros and cons list of the school and compare it to the list I made of my "ideal" school. When making the decision of which college to go to its important not to feel rushed and ultimately to listen to my instincts because in the end only I know what my needs are and what is right for me. And lastly, I would tell myself to enjoy in this time because it will be one of the greatest moments of my life and I should try to capture each moment and experience each visit to its fullest potential.
Take advantage of all of the resources on campus early on.