St Mary’s College of Maryland Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Bugs and sweat in summer, wind and rain in winter. Also: the school is SO WHITE.


That there is very little networking opportunity, there are no real job fairs, and they do not help students find jobs upon graduating.


I wish I had known better study habits and how much walking you have to do. The campus isn't large it's the perfect size, a lot of people walk because driving from class to class would be pretty pointless. I also wish I knew that the closest shopping center places like walmart, target, cvs etc are about 30 minutes away from the campus. I wish I had a better background in math and foreign language but other than the things listed you won't be in for a huge surprise when you come, it will feel like home.


I feel that there is little I could have been warned about. I certainly made a lot of mistakes during my freshman year. but I was already aware of that fact that it's a total stereotype for freshman to party too much and as a result slack off in their classes. I fell into that trap anyway. Some things just have to be experienced.


how cold it was going to be.


do an internship


How much drinking would be going on and how frustrating the administration, especially residence life, would be. I have had numerous bad experiences with residence life and their unwillingness to fix things that they have messed up.