Make sure you do not over load yourself the first few semesters. Make sure you discover every possible way to pay for college. Go to school right after you finish high school and live on campus and enjoy student life!
Don't overcommit yourself, but make sure to get involved. I believe that forming meaningful relationships with others is the best way to keep yourself happy and well-balanced. College is the perfect place to form life-long relationships with your peers, and the only way to do this is to get out and be with people. When I started college, I wanted to be involved in everything, and I ended up with a schedule that had too much for me to handle. It felt like I was running a marathon everyday, and there was just no time to breathe. Little by little I had to cut back on things that I had committed to, like teaching that extra Pilates class in the rec center. After the first semester though, I had established a teetering balance in which I feel like I squeezed in as much as I could without driving myself crazy. As a professional dancer, ballet teacher, pilates teacher, and full-time college student, I keep very busy. However I always make time for my friends. They keep me sane and loving life.
i would tell myself to enjoy the last year of high school as much as possible because even though i thought that friends wouldn't break apart from each other the fact is things do change and once your out of high school you can never go back so you mine as well embrace all the experiences while you can.
If I were a senior in high school I would tell myself to slow down and take everyday as a learning experience. Starting college at 17 was hard enough. Do not get too caught up in the social life. Yes, it is college and you want to make new friends, but excelling academically should be your number one priority. I started out with a major I was not sure about and it put me behind. Have an undecided major that way you can get the core requirements done first. It is a great solution to figure out what is best for you. After all, this will be your career after you graduate. Apart from deciding what you will be doing for the rest of your life you need to learn time management. In college, you have so much time on your hands. You get to pick your own schedule. Study during the day and make time for friends at night. It will save you stress. Lastly, get involved with something you enjoy. You need another outlet besides school. Joining my sorority let me become a confident woman, a great leader, and a loyal and fun friend.
Don't be so nervous. I know going off to college seems like a very scary ordeal, but I promise it's not as bad as you think. Don't try to do everything at the last minute. Be prepared and stay focused. Don't worry about missing your family. You won't fall out of touch with them. But make sure you don't go home too often or you'll still be too dependent on them and you won't be used to living on your own. You have to learn how to do things for your self. The most important thing is to just relax. After a week or so in school, you'll be so used to it, you'll think you've been doing it forever. Just be yourself and have fun. But stay focused on your school work also. These things should help you through the transition period.
I know you imagined college naturally in the northeast, cold, full for protests and tofu, but though it?s not how you drew it, its master piece portrait on its own. Allow me to paint the picture. You choose the times you want your classes so you can afford to be nocturnal some nights like when you studied for those Art History tests. Don't worry about your grudges with Rebecca; when you leave home, settling your differences is a good-bye. Arriving to a new school full of new students and opportunities is a fresh start. Coming from all sorts of locations, your friends will enrich your perspective of your outlook on life. Chelsea, especially with her childlike personality, will introduce you again to the innocence and good nature you can still find in people. Hometown pride will come to existence. You're a girl from Miami and are original in lots of your colloquialisms and dance moves. You will get over the heart ache from junior year, and Amanda from back home is still your best friend. If you go in open minded, like you did, you are going to become who you were meant to be here.
If I could travel back in time to a high school senior, I would tell myself to prepare for college earlier. I would try to get in the habit of reading all of my textbooks and comprehending every chapter and section. The main thing I would do make the college transition easier is practice writing papers and lab reports often. Each time you write, you increase your knowledge and vocabulary. Plus, the more writing a person does, the less stressed he/she will be once they get to college. College requires self-management and I would tell myself to get in the habit of saying no to friends when I know I have other work to do for school. I would also test myself more if I could go back in time. The more times you practice things, the better able you are to successfully handle those things. Lastly, I would tell myself not to get overwhelmed the first week of college. Sign up for only a couple of clubs and organizations. You can always join them later in the second semester. Wait and see how your course load effects your time before you commit yourself to things.
The first thing I would tell myself would be to remain focused. If you lose your focus at SHC its very unlikely you will succeed. I would certainly tell myself to participate in campus activities more. I know that if I had done that, I would have met many more people and established stronger connections with those I already knew. The people you meet in college aren't just there to hang out with you at a party. They are the people that can help get you through some very difficult and stressful situations. Most importantly I would tell myself to stop for a moment and enjoy it. I've been at SHC for 3 years (full time for about 1.5 of those years) and it is going by so fast and so much has happened. Its imperative that college not be rushed, but savored. Never again will you have the types of experiences that you get in college. Its unique and it changes you forever.
College is not just about studying or working all the time, having some down-time is good too.
First, be sure to know for certain what you want to major in when you get to college. Do not let money make you choose one major over another! Stick with what you enjoy, and let money take care of the rest. The reason I say this is because transferring is a rather unpleasant experience. It is much easier to go to the right school the first time than it is to transfer from the wrong school.
Second, in addition to the official visit days that colleges present, visit the campus on non-official days. No school is perfect. However, the school will only present a "perfect" picture. Try and find students who live on campus who will let you stay with them for a few days unofficially. The unofficial visit will give you a more realistic vision of what campus life is really all about.