Southern Illinois University-Carbondale Top Questions

What should every freshman at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale know before they start?


In my experience one of the things that would have helped me out more would have been to explore other campuses to see if the one I had choosen was the right college for me. Even if you have decided on one particular college there is still no reason that you cant go tour other schools just to get a feel for things. Another thing would be to ask questions. No matter what it may be always ask question no matter how stupid or dumb you may think they are dont hesitate. You may find out something you had not known before. After you have started college, get out and meet new people, get involved in volunteer work and school activites and you will make the most out of your college experience.


Look at all of your options, don't choose a school based on which of your friends are going there or the condition of the dorms. Research the employment rates of graduates from the college you're interested in, take a campus tour, talk to students who attend. The best place to find out about a collge or university is to go there and talk to the students.


The advice I would give parents and students about finding the right college would be to find a place that is both known for the program you want to be in and likable to you. You want to go somewhere where you will get the best education in your field, but you want to be comfortable in that place, too. If you enjoy a smaller campus and want to be a cinematography major, then pick a smaller university that is known for that field. Be aware of how you feel about the campus. Parents, do not send your child somewhere they do not want to go just because that is where you want to send them. These years are important ones. They need to be where they will get the most out of the experience.


Look around a lot and find a school that fits you best. It is nice to go to a school that your friends go to, but you WILL make new friends in college so dont let that be you deciding factor. Apply for FAFSA and scholarships as soon as possible and do not procrastinate. Lastly don't let your high school GPA or ACT scores get you down if they were not as high as you hoped. I personally had 2.8 GPA in high school and have now made the deans list every year in college!


The college experience should at some time or another be a part of every person's life. As a senior, my best advice for incoming freshmen is to apply for any and all scholarships which are available to you, live in the dorms, and remember to enjoy everything going on around you. It only happens once!


One of the most important parts of finding the right school is finding the location and set up that is right for that particular person. Some major things that need to be taken into consideration are the distance from home, the size of the school, and its academic reputation in the field of their choice. Another thing to take into consideration is whether or not the student is ready. I personally went to a community college for two years to get a lot of my general education classes out of the way. For some people, that can be the best route, as it was for me. I was able to get a feel for college classes without being far from home. Now, I go to school five and a half hours from home and I love it there. I don't think I would have been ready to take that leap right after high school and I'm sure I'm not alone in that. It all depends on the student. As long as they are comfortable and are able to go at their own pace, they'll be able to make the most of their experience in college.


The biggest piece of advice I would give is to try and visit the campus before you decide to go anywhere. Especially try and go while there is students their to get an idea of the people attending the college. Once your at college though it is up to you to make the best of your experience. Make friends, go out, and have fun. But of course don't forget about your coursework. College is only as hard or boring as you make it.


I would say to make sure you choose the correct college that's best for you. Don't choose a college because your parents went there and they are forcing you to go. It is your choice and it's your education. Make sure you stay focused and try not to let anything or anyone get in the way of your education. If you are struggling do not wait until the last minute to get help. Seek help as soon as you realize that you are struggling. You don't want to put it off because it will be too late. Get involved in any and everything there is out there. College is a once in a life time opportunity. Make the best of it and enjoy it. But make sure you remember the number one reason you are there. And that is to get the best education you possibly can.


Do a lot of research on several colleges and talk to people who have previously attended those schools to find out what the situation was like


One thing is to make sure you ask questions and make sure you evauluate everything. Know that your not looking for a colege to party at or a college with a well known school, but a school that will help you recieve your degree in 4 years. Talk to your perspective department chairman and see what they will offer you for your sucess and future.