Southeastern Oklahoma State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Southeastern Oklahoma State University know before they start?


If I could go back in time to give myself advise about the futrure I would say: "Riley, sports are not the only thing in life. You can not make a decision that determines the rest of your life based on what schools gave you a scholarship to play tennis. Instead, focus on the schools that are academically inclined and have a large variety of majors to choose from. You may think, you want to be an accountant, but in reality you will change your major three times and still not be satisfied with your degree upon graduation causing you to go back to school two years later. Also, join a sorority and try to make friends, instead of being one-track minded. Life will happen soon enough so enjoy this time while it lasts."


I would tell myself to not procrastinate and to not skip. College is easy if you just listen and show up.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have quite a few words to say. I would start by telling myself that it is important to perform to the best of my ability as well as to challenge myself. I would let myself know that it is important to take as much Advanced Placement courses as I can possibly handle because it will prepare me for college level work. I would also let myself know that it is important to not slack off just because it's high school, because my grades in high school reflect on me as a person. I would say that being in college is not easy, and it will be difficult to balance school and work but if you stay focused and determined, you can get through it. I have experienced my first two years of college at a community college, and by going through the transfer process to the University of Maryland, I would tell myself that it is important to act as if community college is just like a big University because it will make the transition a lot less stressful.


If I could go back and tell myself one thing as a senior in high school it would be to plan out the duration of my college as a career from the start. That would include organizing my time inside as well as outside the classroom. Many times students keep account of their class time, but forget about assigned reading or papers to be written while not in the classroom. When I refer to college as a career I mean to be professional as a student. That would consist of attending class and being punctual everyday unless there is an emergency. Also while in class listening attentively, having appropriate materials for that class, and asking questions if unsure about something. These small steps of planning can contribute to the success of a student tremendously. Since I have been a freshman I have become better organized and more prepared which in turn has led to me being able to absorb what I’m learning while in the classroom. If I had known this in the beginning I would have been able to possibly attain more knowledge in my classes.


I have learned a lot about society. I have become more understanding of the world around me. I am learning more and more everyday. Not only am I learning more, I am also making friends that I will have for a lifetime. Southeastern Oklahoma State University means a lot to me. I don't think there is another school I would want to attend while trying to receive my Bachelors in Math Edu. The professors are really helpful and genuinely nice. It has been valuable to attend because it is bettering my education while preparing me for my future.


I have gotten to learn responsibility and freedom. It's been a value to attend because it is preparing me for the real world. If I didn't attend then I probably would have jumped in the world and been in debt. I wouldn't have learned responsibility as well as I know now.


I have learned who I really am as a person. I really didn't have a strong self-identity in high school. As an athlete I never really had to think much for myself so I never developed a self-image. Attending this school has helped me grow into an adult and develop a sense of who I am and what my place is in this world.


Dont worry so much about having cute clothes and cute school supplies no one cares about that in college. When you get to college make sure that you from a study schedule your first week so that you can get the optimal amount of study time that is the key to getting good grades. I know cramming sounds cool, but honestly it doesn't work at all so just don't do it.


If I could go back and tell myself as a senior what I know now, the main thing I would tell myself is don't be afraid of change because allowing yourself to stay in a bubble you never get a chance to experience new things about the world. I would tell myself don't be afraid of going out of state because when you don't have your mom and dad there to help you study or help you get your project together you have to learn to sink or swim. When making the transition to college I would just say its going to be times when you want to party but you have to understand that attendance is part of a grade in college. So you have to sometime sacrafice going out. I would tell myself have fun love the experience but keep your mind on what you came to college to do. But the transition is from high school is not that difficult you just have to stay grounded and true to yourself.


Be prepared to meet a lot of new fun people. Dont be nervous about the classes or teachers. This campus is very friendly and helpful. You will learn a lot of real life helpful hints. Be prepared to be active in groups and going on activities.