Make sure you visit your top choices and stay in the area for at least 2 days. Don't let a financial burden decide for you, the experience at the place you want to be will make up for the finacial set back. Apply for any and all scholarships!
The one main piece of adivce i give to perspective students of any college or university is get involved. When freshman sit in their rooms and do not meet people, they do not give themselves the chance to get to know people other than their roommates and maybe classmates. By getting involved they will be able to make friends who have both similar and different interests in life and be able to make friendships that will last a lifetime. Also, students who do not get involved will find themselves more often transfering home because not makeing friends is the same as not fitting in. When trying to find the right college, i would give people the same advice i was given, "pick the school where you can see yourself on graduation day, not the school your boyfriend or friends are going to." Choose the school that is best for you not for others.
Communicate! It was very important for my parents and I to be on the same page about the experience we both wanted for college. My ideas and theirs did differ, and we didn't know it in some ways until up to the last minute. By talking out ideas and being honest about not knowing what you want, it is easier to get help from qualified people on campus. During college, if you are behind in your studies, low on cash or feeling lonely, your parents are an amazing support network. I had to keep my pride in check when things got tough and I didn't want my parents to be disappointed with some bad choices I had made. However, when I broke down and told them everything, the first thing they said was, "Why didn't you come to us sooner?" So, my strongest, heartfelt advice is to trust your parents and communicate with them. Not only does it relieve stress, but it shows signs of maturity and readiness for the real world.
Value your time in college and take it seriously. Always follow your heart.
Don't worry about the name of the school, just go somewhere that feels right to you and makes sense. Every school offers a great education.
Finding the right college is not the most important choice that you will make. The most important choice is deciding that you need to learn what is being taught and not just studying for the tests. You are expected to know the information that you have studied and use that information in your career. One very important thing for choosing the right college is that you are compatible with the professors and other students on campus. You can find your major and then talk with a few of the professors and see how you interact with them. They are the key to your future. Making the most of your college experience is learning how to interact with other students and professors in your studies and in your social life. Learning how to be a productive member of society.
I would say that you should try to visit the college first. Most students will look at the brochure and assume that is how the campus looks like when it is not always the case. Once you visit the school you can get an idea of what the campus is like, and if you could see yourself attending to that particular school. I have had people tell me that they choose their college by brochure only to realize it was not that way and that they wished they had not done so. Once you are in the college of your choice, I would say to take advantages of the many opportunities. Check what programs and clubs the school has and see if there is any that would interest you. That way you can easily find other students whom share the same interest as you. Lastly, I would say to be outgoing. If you are shy, try to put that behind you because that will only prevent you from meeting other people. In order to get the most out of college is to be involved. You wont get the college experiece being in your dorm or apartment. Get involved!
The best option for finding a college you'll be successful at is research. The easiest thing to do is go online and research all the potential campuses. Once you have a list of possible colleges, attend campus tours, look at the majors offered, look at the clubs and sports available, and make sure the distance from home is comfortable for you. Living on campus is one of the best ways to meet new people, learn more about yourself, and learn how to cope with differences. Joining clubs is also a great option for making friends. Looking at the clubs in your major can help you after graduation through networking. Don't let your inhibitions get the best of you; introduce yourself to your neighbor, speak up in class, rally for what you believe in. College offers endless opportunities to mold a better you, so find one that has classes you may like, clubs you're interested in, and a surrounding area to your liking. It will be the best schooling experience of your life.
Look around, don't settle for the first one that looks the best, do the reserch and ask lots of questions, visit the campus when class is in session, and talk to professors and acedemic advisors before you apply, KIDS get to know your professors even your freshmen year they really do like to talk to you and that is what they get paid for, don't be afriad to meet new people, put yourself out there, even if you are scared, participate in activites around campus, join a club that interests you, don't worry if you don't know what you want to do yet, the first two years of college will help you decide, volunteer it looks good on appliations and resumes! HAVE FUN! and a little advise your last year of college will feel like your last year of high school! dont think your done with those feelings! o and you have to read and study in college it is not like high school at ALL.
Go to a school where you fell safe. When touring the campus, look around and see if you can picture your self being there alone. Then picture your self walking across campus with a group friends. When picking a school make a list of things you need. If you need an ocean nearby cuz you like to surf go to a school near the ocean. If you like to go to football games go to a school with a football team. Make a list of things you want to have and the school that has most of those things is probably the best one for you. Goodluck.