Soka University of America Top Questions

What should every freshman at Soka University of America know before they start?


Don't go to college right away. First travel, see the world, experience new things and, then, when you have see so much you are dying to learn in order to understand what you have seen, when you have discovered what drives you and what your passions are, when you so full of questions you cannot think well, and, specially, when you feel alive, go to college and you will discover that your education is about so much more than just reading and writing.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I'd advise myself to be less uptight, more friendly, and open-minded. There is nothing more important than being able to express yourself in life, and in college holding back doesn't take you anywhere. Be firm about what you believe in, but most importantly believe in yourself and in your dreams. When applying to schools, believe in your potential, in everything that you have already achieved, and in what your heart tells you. Don't drift away from your friends for fear of not being understood or not fitting in. Speak out!!! If they don't accept you for who you are, they are not worth it in the first place.. there are many wonderful people in the world to meet. Besides, if that happens, just take it as an opportunity to make more friends, and expand your own life. Don't be afraid! It's ok to relax for a minute, so joke around, enjoy a smile, and take the time to listen to what others have to say. You may be surprised in how much you can learn from others!


Don't be upset about the schools that rejected you! The school you are going to now is your dream school and you will be able to do anything you want!