Soka University of America Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Soka University of America accurate?


haha not really.. especially considering that in the past two years SUA has made many efforts to diversify the student body...


yes. and then there are exceptions. lol.


Not quite. Many of our students have a Japanese background because of the nature of the population in the SGI (Soka Gakkai International). The president of SGI and the founder of the school is Daisaku Ikeda. Therefore, it's natural for SGI members to apply to the school. Additionally, our school is founded on Buddhist principles of peace, human rights, and sanctity of life. Most of our endowments come from SGI members around the world. Soka, being a NEW educational institution for the NEW millennium, people only hear about it through either SGI, or in the local community. I think the rumors can't be helped. But, Soka is a non-secretarial, non-religious academic institution that strives to foster contributive global citizens. While students, faculty, and staff are all working hard to create for a better world, to label Soka as a "Buddhist organization" or a "cult school" or any other stereotypical judgment is unfair.