Smith College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Smith College accurate?




Not really. There are lesbians, and rich girls, and lot of smart women, but no one's very intimidating. Plus, Smith students extend way beyond those stereotypes. In fact, Smith has a much broader array of students than many of my friends' colleges--I have friends from every background imaginable, and no, most are not gay.


Well, most stereotypes have some grounding in truth: Yes, there are lesbians at Smith, but that's not the half of it: there are people here that call themselves men women transgender bisexual questioning whatever - I love the diversity at Smith, and that people with all kinds of different feelings can feel comfortable here ( I hope!). But I'll admit Smith is pretty liberal in general... and the academics are good, but again, like any institution, there are always exceptions to the rules - sometimes professors are really boring or easy; financial services messes up your account; Smith potheads exist; overweight and anorexic girls both use the treadmills..... It's true we live in a pretty wealthy town in New England, but again, I appreciate all the different kinds of people I see on campus here.


partly, there are queer students here but not everyone is.


Well, most people on campus are pretty liberal, but I wouldn't say that most are radicals. Smith is generally a queer-friendly campus, but that doesn't mean most of us are queer. And I've never met a man-hating Smithie. As for over-achieving, I'd say that many students here are very self-driven, but there is a spectrum running all the way to really laid-back people.


As a whole no. You certainly get people that fit the stereotypes or else they would have no where to come from, but they most certainly do not fit the entire student population.


The first two are about 50-50 or thats the impression anyway. The last one is pretty true, though there are a decent amount of slackers... or maybe its just Gardiner House.


for some people, but the majority of smithies are normal and friendly


they all describe a subset of the population but none are overwhelming


some people fit them, but not most