Knowing what I know about college now, I wish that as a High School Senior I studied more. As cliche as it sounds, I did not study as much as I should have during my senior year and it really hurt me going into college. I was not prepared to do things on my own without my professors holding my hand, like my previous ones had done. If I had learned peoper study techniques and actually used them during high school, I think that my grades during my freshman year would have been a lot better and I would have been a lot more happier with them. Not only would my grades have been a lot better, but tests and essays would not have given me as much stress as they did, becuase I would have known how to properly handle them.
If I could go back to be a high school senior, I would definetly take more advanced placement courses and prepare myself better for the final exams. In my senior year of high school I took four AP courses and only received credit for one. The three that I did not do well on were english, spanish and environmental science, which are particularly difficult subjects for me. I think that if I would have taken more basic science and math courses, then I would have been more successful. Knowing what I know now, I would have taken physics, calculus, chemistry and biology as advanced placement classes.
By having completed more advanced placement courses in high school, then I would have been able to transfer to my four year university faster. Plus, I would have saved a significant amount of money since AP course exams are a fraction of the cost of university credits. Lastly, it would have better prepared me for the complexity of science and mathematic courses, which in turn would have made the transition from high school to college easier.
If I could go back in time as a high school senior I would give myself so much advice just from the expericance I had gained from my first semester at college. I would tell myself to work and save all money because so many little things that you dont even think about add up and empty your account. I would tell myself to get used to being more independent and realize what is more imporatant when it comes to friends and studying.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to start looking for a college sooner because I feel like I didn't give myself many options when it came to applying. I also would tell myself to pick a school that didn't cost as much and gave me more financial aid rather than loans. Lastly, I would tell myself to visit schools more than once before deciding if that is truly where you want to spend the next four years of your life.
Going to college is an important investment every individual should consider, in order to receive the proper credentials needed for performing a particular career. Even though the rapid increase of college tuition costs may seem quite overwhelming, there are many opportunities available for gaining enough money to afford a college education. Despite the vast amount of prepartation I did to prepare for college, there are some aspects I wish that I considered before attending college.
Because of my superlative athleticism throughtout my high school career, I was given the opportunity to accept athletic scholarships to remarkable Divsion I universities; however, decided that pursuing a lawyer degree and participatiing in a college sport would be difficult to perform at the same time. First, if I was to give advice to myself I would have definitely said to apply for as many scholarships as possible, because of the superb accolades I was able to achieve in both academia and athletics. Secondly, I would have recommended myself to read daily, and to do exercises that enhanced my critical thinking, listening, and memorization skills.
Therefore, I strongly believe that if I had focused more on these aspects, my college situation would have immensely improved.
"Travis, listen up! Remember how mom and dad told you you would blossom in college? Well, they were right. But you need to take a few steps yourself before that happens.
You know your girlfriend that you just started dating? Break up with her. You are going to waste your entire first year of college trying to keep her happy. And when you break up, you'll finally get into the gym and lose those fifty pounds that you need to.
You are going to hear of this club called Young Life. Get in there as soon as you can. You are going to make the best friends of your life there - and just maybe meet that special girl you've been hoping for.
Dude, seriously... APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS!! When you get so involved on campus you are going to suddenly decide you want to live there but you won't be able to afford it. Get a move on! You are going to be so busy with sports and leadership responsibilities that you won't be able to work.
Get ready. You are about to start growing exponentially. The best version of yourself is right around the corner."
IF I could go back in time, I would tell myself that it is not a race and that you do not have to rush through schooling. It is a great experience and that the greatest things are worth the vast amount of time invested. I would had make sure that I knew to check out other universities and colleges. Not all colleges are the same. I would provide the advice of applying for every scholarship available and to take advantage of the Promise Scholarship to attend a four year university. I don't regret anything I have done, but there are a few things that could have been made easier.
There you are, sitting in the back of Coach Brown’s civic class. I understand the thrill and the excitement you get from debating with your classmates. I understand the joy of getting the best grade and having Coach read your opening statement to the class. The bell rings and off you go to your Young Medical Professional’s club meeting, and you feel the same excitement thinking about the upcoming Pre-Medical program at WVU. I remember being in those shoes. The confusion about your future and what route you should take is nothing new; it is something that has been in the back of your mind your whole life. However, after going through two years of college, I can tell you that you were wrong; medicine is not your future. You missed out on opportunities, like interning at the court house, chasing a medical dream that is not for you. My advice to you, my high school self, is follow your heart. You’ve always known that, although science interests you, you love law, history, religion, and politics. You can do more good for society if you follow your dreams and not your analytical brain.
Before making the decision of a lifetime, ask yourself these questions:
Do you like the campus? If you have not seen the campus, you must visit it.
Do you know what you want to study? If yes, does the school you're interested in have that major? If not, do they have something similar?
Do they accept transfer credit from AP classes or the local community college?
Are they helpful and friendly? You need people around you that want to help you succeed.
How many kids do you want in your class? Can you sit in a lecture hall with 400 kids or do you want your professor to know your first name?
Are you going to commute or live on campus? If you plan on living on campus, the most important questions to ask yourself are, Can you see yourself living here? Do you feel safe?
Be prepared to walk a lot, live with unpleasant people, and eat bad campus food.
Never lose sight of your goal and the bad food, all the walking, and the bad roommates won't matter.
Now that I have made the transition from the high school life to college life, I have realized it is an overwhelming alteration. The most essential advice that I would give myself as a high school senior would be prepare for the future. This includes: challenging yourself academically, staying motivated, and never giving up on yourself.
To challenge yourself academically, you as a student should schedule for standardized tests as soon as possible. The sooner you get your scores back, the sooner you evaluate them and decide whether to retake the test or transfer your scores to colleges. Take classes that'll make you work hard and study. If you put the time and effort into your classes, then you will be prepared for the college life. Motivation is the key to success during your senior year. The lack of motivation leads seniors down the drain. Staying motivated will make your senior year and college years more productive, enjoyable, and successful. Life is continuous and never ending, so never give up. There are different stages in your life and you must keep your head held high. The way you view yourself is the way you live your life.