Seminole State College of Florida Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Seminole State College of Florida?


The most frustrating thing world be how slow their staff is with the admissions process.


The lines and parking in the first few weeks of the semester but I guess thats to be expected.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that the classes are only available Monday-Thursday.


The only thing thats frustrating about Seminole State College is the parking. And thats only because Seminole is such a great school that, everybody wants to attend. I love my college. I havn't had any problems. Actually, It was very easy to get started there. It's like I was meant to attend Seminole State. Im trying to get everybody I know in school and not to just......check it out for themselves. Only the experience can prove just how great a school Seminole State truely is.


The reduced hours and lengthy waits to register or talk to financial aid. It took me three tries just to drop off the financial aid paperwork and I didn't even need to nor get to speak to someone.