San Antonio College Top Questions

What should every freshman at San Antonio College know before they start?


Hey younger self,Take the plcement exam seriously there is no reason for us to be takng remedial classes we dont need! DO NOT get comfortable your first 2 years at community college even though you met a few good friends over the years I dont want you to realize too late how important education is. Your going to end up becoming and advertising major so dont waste your time trying to be a business major when you know good and well you HATE MATH! You will eventually get a car, i know its going to take forever for you to get the car but trust me you didnt need a car at this time anyway. Your going to eventually get a job, as bad as we didnt want one but you will love it/hate it. Above all else stay patient live your life and never stay stagnant strive for better.


Well, at the time, I absolutley hated academics, and didn't work nearly as hard as I do now that I'm past my 20's and going back to school. I'd tell myself that college math and science classes are supposed to be hard, but they're not so bad. Especially considering that you won't be struggling as much as other people, or there will be others who will find it rough just like you. But, if you band together and relate to them and you guys help eachother out, you'll be just fine. I would tell myself of all of the opportunities available, as well as scholarships, but that the only way to get to them is through hard work. I'd tell myself that college will be tough, but it is well worth the effort. I'd also say that it can be alot of fun, if you just relax and go out and meet people. Get involved in a club or two. Above all, I would remind myself to never quit. I did drop out for ten years, and I'd warn myself to not make that mistake.


If i had the chance to talk to my senior self, I would tell myself, don't worry. The whole guilt and panic you felt from wanting to change your major isn't that big a deal. It's okay to change your major. It doesn't mean you're goofing around, wanting to explore different options just means you're taking this whole college thing seriously. Also you're smart and don't doubt yourself so much. You are on the right track and you always end up where you need to be at the time you are meant to be.


If I could go back in time to give advice to my high school senior self, I would definitely tell myself to make studying a habit. I would tell myself to read more books to train myself for the ample reading assignments I will recieve in the future. I would also tell my highschool self to branch out into making friends outside of school in order to reinforce some simple communcation skills such as self introduction. Expanding on communication, I would warn my highschool self of group projects and let him know to make sure everybody does their fair share of work. My highschool self would be told to make sure that I ask questions and ask the teacher for help that way, later on, I would feel the need to visit my professor in their office hours. Overall, I think I would make sure to tip my highschool self off to developmental skills that I would use indefinitely, making sure that I can function on my own as a student and be able to collaborate with others or simply ask for help. This is the advice that I would give to my old highschool self.


Apply for as many scholarships as possible, dont wait at the last mintue. Have an idea of what you want to study in and find out what is need to take in colleges and also apply for financial aid but my luck i didnt recieve anything.


Dear Tiffany, always have hope and follow the dream that you wanted for yourself. Don't do what your parents thought was best for you because they didn't support your dreams. Just because it's senior year doesn't mean you can take a break from all the tests and exams that you dreaded at the end of the year. Go and see your advisor that you said you would talk to last year, but never did. Be upfront and tell her where you want to go to school at and what you need to do in order to win scholarships. Don't beat yourself up because you said it was too late to start. It's never too late to follow your dreams. It's only too late when you decide to give up. Become the person that you said you could see yourself become in 10 years. Don't listen to others who are going to put you down or say 'maybe next time you'll get it right.' Time is happening now and it can all change in a matter of seconds, minutes, or days. Please don't give up on yourself, Tiffany, always stay positive.


Knowing now about college life and making the transition, I would advice myself to apply early to a four-year universitiy. As grateful as I am to be enrolled at San Antonio College, I missed the chance to experience the four-year university vibe as a freshman. I got scared by the financial aspect and failed to apply early. I would also tell myself to work on my time management skills, which at the time were almost non-existent. I would tell myself to pay more attention in my math classes, because they would have helped me in my current math class. I would also tell myself to take advantage of the numerous scholarships offered out there and apply for them! As much fun as I had in high school, I would finally tell myself to learn to prioritize and learn to be more responsible.


Well, if I could go back in time and tell my past self-something related to the process of transitioning from high school to college. I would give advice telling myself about all the different locations on college campus. For example,the library where you could rent books for your classes, and where you happen to get your laptop fixed if it ends up crashing. Where to get the cheapest books, how to know beforehand, what specific books you will need for class. Instruct myself and probably make myself wright down how it is the right process to register and get the right classes at the right college and not online. Also, to not care what other people say about college, college is a wonderful experience, but to not do any of the other activities such as partying with your friends or boyfriend. To really focus on your school work because that is really all that matters, if you want to be a Registered Nurse and also travel the world. To also, follow your heart in difficult situation and not your mind, most of the time your head is wrong.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself about how because there is nobody to regulate my time I must learn to manage my time better and ensure I that I do get the help I need if I am struggling in classes.


Cautiously, I would face the timid liberal and begin; "Do not be idle young man, do not be frivolous, the work you have put in pales in comparison to what still must be done. Not simply regarding your studies, but your duties; as a citizen of the world. Your duties are to be learned; to be the accomplishment of a generation of immigrants. To be aware, to see on any side of this shrinking world that there is suffering. And to be active: this world is changed by timeless suffering, this world is far from perfect. Now the journey begins."