Sam Houston State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Sam Houston State University know before they start?


Really think about what your going to major in. Think of at least three choices and research the degrees for those choices. Also research the colleges/universities that offer your major choices. It would also help you to decided which college/university to go to by researching the city and state it is located at. If you don't feel comfortable with the setting of the town/city/state than your college experience will not be as great as you would like it to. Visiting the colleges/universities gives you a better idea of how the system works.


If i could tell my younger self, just one thing, it would be to relax. Even though there are a ton of responsiblilties on my plate coming into college, and they have just multiplied, trust the friends around you that you meet. Cause these friends will be the people that help the transition into college basically be friction free. There are somethings in life that one can't go through alone, and so don't let yourself feel trapped and lonely, just rely on your friends in your times of need and they will carry you when you stumble.


Going into college as a student athlete doesn't make things even easier for you it just make things harder. Even though you are here to play sports doesn't mean that you should just play around and class because you will find behind and be in a bind academically and financially also. Because you get so much scholarship money to spend and if you dont maintain a overall gpa of 2.0 you want be able to receive financial aid which would make your scholarship check money limited to spend. So if I was you I would come into to college expecting to work hard on and off the field and in the classroom to keep your grades up.


The best advice I could give myself, or anyone for that matter, is to GO TO CLASS! No matter what you do the night before or how tired you are, you HAVE to make it to class every day. It is so easy to fall behind and so hard to catch up once you do that it's not worth the agony at the end of the semester. If you go to class and pay attention, failing is very hard to do. I have witnessed numerous people who slack off, especially at the beginning of the semester, and are not able to pull their grades up that the last half of the semester is nothing but stress and usually ends in a very disappointing GPA. Attending to class and making sure to prioritize your assignments above your social life is the best way to adapt to and succeed in college. Once you learn that your social life will not disintegrate and your friends will still be there if you have to miss an outing to study, college will be an engaging experience that you can thoroughly enjoy. Keep in touch with your family and keep your eye on the prize!


To really think about where you want to go to school and to not base your decision on what is going on at the time in high school because everything will change once you leave and go to college. It's an important decision that needs a lot of consideration, and include older friends and family in the conservation.


One thing I would advise myself about is even though I did not have to study in high school, it is a very critical part of college. Studying is not easy if you have never been challenged enough to have to do it and it will take some time to find a technique that works the best for you. I would also advise myself not to date somebody during the first semester. Although I did not go to college planning on getting a boyfriend, I ended up meeting somebody and dating for the whole first semester. Even though it is only natural to try to find a partner, it causes too many distractions for a new student. Another word of advice I would give is to exercise a couple times a week to help reduce the stress and anxiety. Exercising helps get your mind off everything and keeps you healthy, which will also help reduce stress.


I didn't finish high school I got a G.E.D when I was in the 11th grade. During that period of time I was dealing with the death of a very close relative whom lived in the same household that I did. After my relative's passing just the year before I became withdrawn feeling I had no one to talk to about my situation I began to hang out with hoodlums and my academics suffer. I was always a good student who enjoyed school before this moment yet when my relative died something within me died too. Although I got a G.E.D I knew that I wanted to further my education so I began workin at a fast food restaurant to save up for college I started working at 17 when I would've been a senior in high school. After two years of working and saving nearly every penny that I earned at 19 years old I entered college. I am dedicated to perservere to the end until I get my degree. So if i had a chance to give myself any advice it would be choose yor friend's wisely.


If I could go back in time, I would have attended a community college before assisting a University. Classes are smaller and cheaper. I regret listening to my advisors and counselors that were rushing me to a university before a community college.


I would tell myself, to finish school as soon as I completed high school. That's the best time to go to college, when you are young, and don't have responsiblity such as children, family, or work.


First of all, no matter how generic it sounds, be yourself. Always stand strong in your beliefs and ideals, because the people who like you then, will like the absolute you and keep you forever. Never underestimate yourself and all that you can do. You are valid in possessing so much confidence. Do not be afraid of challenging yourself. If you do not challenge yourself, you can never realize your full potential. College is not just about learning in the classroom, so remember to keep learning wherever you are. College is not scary. It is just a bigger, more expensive version of high school. Everyone is just trying to get to graduation to move on to better things. Most importantly, enjoy yourself. This is the only time in your life where you will be adult enough to live on your own and do whatever you want, but still call Mom and Dad for financial support, without them being too upset. Eveything is tremendously new and exciting! Explore all positive avenues of life and treasure the little things.