Sam Houston State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Sam Houston State University?


I would tell them how much fun it is to be on campus and there's small classrooms so it makes the classes seem easier


The social scene at night, and the beauty of the small town feel.


I'm not one to brag, but I would say the campus is nice, its affordable, the degree programs are good and its not such an uptight school.


The openness and availability of professors to students.


On campus, Friendly/ Responsive Faculty and students. It is very easy to make friends in almost all classes. It is nice that it is a small town and everything is close by. The prices are amazing and very college friendly: movies are $3 before 6pm and bowling is $6. The campus is a beautiful and classes are never too far to walk.


The nice people


i brag about how up to date my school is and how hands on the profeesors can be and the friendly enviornment.


the football team


How easy all my schoolwork is. Death Row is on campus.


How my friends are always around and even though it is a small town there is always something to do