Saint Norbert College Top Questions

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St. Norbert instantly attracted me because of its beautiful campus on the Fox River. It's very small so you get to know everybody and class sizes allow for a lot of one-on-one communication with teachers. It's also very close to my home and is in a charming small city.


St. Norbert curriculum is focused on the future of their studernts. They care to see their students succeed and will do whatever it takes to help them fulfill their desires. The career testing at our school is welcome to students and all alumni to help find their true passion and turn it into a major and career. The Catholic heritage is a large part of our community as there a services for students everyday if wanted. There is optimism and acceptance for all people and beliefs, although ethics and service are stressed in all academic areas.


Everything is within ten minutes of walking, so it’s really nice in the winter to only have to walk a short distance. We have an absurdly long break over Christmas. It’s 5-6 weeks long, but students have the option to pick up an extra credit or make up a class for J-term, a three week class in January. Keep you options open, don’t pick something and that’s it. Get involved!


Everything is within ten minutes of walking, so it’s really nice in the winter. We have an absurdly long break over Christmas. It’s 5-6 weeks long, but students have the option to pick up an extra credit or make up a class for J-term, it’s a three week class in January. Keep you options open, don’t pick something and that’s it. Get involved!


feels like family


The campus looks like it could have been featured in a movie. It's a beautiful campus.


SNC is very community driven. It strives to incorporate the community in its academics, extra-curriculars and its overall daily life. The campus itself and the way SNC is located provides an environment that is very beautiful and welcoming.


St. Norbert College is not that big of a school and therefore, everyone knows everyone pretty much. There isn't that much drama. Teachers are easily informed of things and will be there to help in any way possible. Students that have learning dissabilities like myself are treated fairly and not discriminated at all. Housing and food here are great. I have been to other schools and I would not choose another school besides St. Norbert.


Although the price tag may make you reconsider, the experiences you gain at St. Norbert are completely worth it. Even in gen ed courses, classes are no bigger than 25 or 30 and most of the professors will give each student individual attention. Your advisor and other professors know more than just your grades or major; they know who you are as a person and who you aspire to become.


Small class sizes and proffesors that truely care.