Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College!


My school allows me to get my degree mostly online, but the campus is also open to me in any way I need. Professors will work with me online and in person, and if I want to come to campus and have a private writing retreat, they'll make a way for me to do that.


SMWC is a small community where everyone tries to help eachother out. Everybody tends to get along.


As a Catholic College they offer many classes in contemporary thinking. Also they are actually available to help you. They are consistent in making sure that you are sending in assignments, not with agressiveness but with Christian love. When there are problems they are their to listen and to help. But one of the most enduring features of this college is that you aren't a number or get lost in the crowd.