Saginaw Valley State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Saginaw Valley State University? Why?


I wish there were more outside activities for students in the surrounding areas. Many of the social activities on campus can sometimes appeal to only a certain group of students, or the activities are not very big events. Other than sporting events and weekend parties, nothing seems to draw a very large group of students. I would like to see businesses in the cities near campus hold different events for the students to attend and socialize at, giving us more choices of activities and still a safe environment to participate in.


The worst thing about my school is that I will not be able to obtain my Masters degree here. They do not provide that degree.


The worst thing about my school is the quality of professors that we have. Out of my two and a half years at this university, I have only liked a handful of my teachers. Everything else, besides paying for classes, has been mostly enjoyable.


The worst thing about this school is the parking. There is never enough parking for everyone, usually i am late to class if i drive because i drive around forever trying to find a spot. Another bad thing about this school is the cost of on living campus, i cannot afford to live off campus but since on campu living is included in tuition than i stay on campus even though in the long run it will cost me more.