For any graduating students heading off to college, choosing the right college may pose a difficulty. However with the right resources and advocates, this task becomes simple. Our course, the college should provide a great academic environment and contain the major of choice for each student. For parents who are worried about students leaving home to dorm on campus, safety, fair financial pricing, and a healthy meal plan should be considered. Students should also research extracurricular activities at this school that would possible engage in, such as an ethnic club, a sports team, or a musical group. Students should also attend college orientations to get a feel of the school's environment and possible create new friendships along the way. Overall, students that are coming into college for the first time should come onto campus with an open mind to the new experiences that one may face. Yes, getting As in college courses and graduating on time may be one's mindset, but students shouldn't forget to enjoy themselves while in the process. College gives a student the opportunity to make life-long friends, enjoy time in extracurricular activities, and opens the door for future careers after college.
A good education can be obtained almost anywhere if the student is willing enough to make a difference in the world, and if he or she is ready to take on the challenge of becoming a professional. Nevertheless, I advice to be as thorough as possible when searching for the right school. It is a mistake to apply and choose a college because a friend/loved one attends there, or because it is the home of a favorite sports team. There are many aspects that students and parents should focus on when making such a decision: the location of the school, for it to be financially convenient, the professor-student ratio, the academic standards, the major of preference, and the opportunities that the university will be able to offer in the long run. There are many things to think about, and it can be rather overwhelming at times. I think the college experience turns to be rather vital on the kind of person someone becomes. But regardless of all the hard work, dedicated time and patience, the experience turns to also be one of the best in your life.
enjoy the times while you have it they do not last long
When chosing a university take the time to do your research on what each school has to offer. It is also important that you make sure the school meets your needs in terms of size and available academic programs.
I would aks parents to consider value and "bang for their buck". There is no greater sentiment than to know you are receiving a top notch education at a great price, in a school with a very diverse population and dedicated faculty and staff.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" This question sounds oddly familiar. No student really knows what they want to do in life, but they have a general idea: make money. College is the perfect time and place to explore the endless possibilities of what life has to offer and it's also the time when students find out who they really are and what they want to be. It's through experiences, mistakes, success, and most important how they react in certain situations that makes a college experience. Every college has a number resources for anyone who attends to take full advantage of. There are only a handful of people who actually take the initiative to be active and really enjoy the college experience, one example being to join a fraternaty or sorority. College is all about making the wrong decision and failing because it is perfectly normal to not know why you're going to college or who you are going to be when you grow up. In all honesty there is no "right college," there's only making the best out of your college experience that makes it the perfect college for you.
The most important thing you need to do is to visit the campus before you make the final decision. Research the top 5 schools that will best suit your needs and get the feedback of the students and teachers.
Making sure you have the proper funding available because it is very frustating when you run out of funds and have to transfer out. Don't go to far away from school because travelling can get to be very expensive. My scholarship that I had was very limited and my financial aid fell through because the financial aid failed to help me get employment.
Finding a major you love, stick with it, and make it work.
Choose a school where you think you will learn, enjoy and experience that is valuable for lifetime.
Also besides visiting a school, listening from students who already go to that school helps to figure out which school to go!