Robert Morris University Illinois Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Robert Morris University Illinois?


A person that can not learn and/or comprehend things fast should not attend this school. A person that loves to go out and wants to be in a social club should not attend this schoo. Finally, a person that wants to experiment new things and be independent should not attend this university.


If you arent willing to work hard Robert Morris University is not for you.


With Robert Morris recently attaining University status I think anyone who is looking to attend a univeristy close to home and receive a bachelors degree should look into this school.


A person that does not like excellerated schools should not attend RMC because the classes are only 10 weeks longs.


Everybody wants to go to school to graduate and get a degree. At Robert Morris, there main prioirty is helping you graduate as fast as you can. So i guess someone who should not go here would be someone who does not want to work at an accelerated pace to graduate sooner.


The type of person who should not attend this school is a person who does not care for school. If a person is just coming because someone is making them it will be a waste of time. If you do not keep a GPA of 2.0 or better you will be put on probation for one quarter. That means you have one quarter to improve and if you do not the school will dismiss you. then you would have to wait two quarters to apply to come back. The this university is expensive and will have to pay.


Robert Morris is not like any other college or university because we have ten week quarters versus most colleges semesters. Any person who is not comfortable with fast pace learning should not attend Robert Morris.


I think the type of person who should not attend a school of this nature is someone who is not ready for life in a big city, someone who isn't ready or not use to having a fast-paced schedule and someone who is not going to be committed to doing the work assigned and ask of them to do.


I think anyone who are trying to take their life to the next level should attend this school.


College is for those who not only want a better education; but it is also for those who are willing to put forward the time and effort to pursue their passion in life. College is an expensive learning environment, meant only for those who are serious about what they want to do later in life. So those that are truly dedicated to what they want in their career path will excel greatly in this college. For those who are unsure, this college will give you the proper knowledge and assistance to find your passion and help you get there.