If I could go back in time to talk to the girl I was as a high school senior, I would tell her that there is no rush to starting life. Enjoy being a kids. Enroll in a four year university right after high school, and get the real college life experience of meeting new people from all over the world. Maybe join a sorority, travel abroad while you still have time and your parents (lol) on your side. Get involved in as many activities as you can handle so that there is less opportunity for distractions. Have a plan for life, don't be afraid of a little grunt work as far as researching scholarships, it will pay off in the end.
Knowing what I know now as a college student, I would have told myself to relax. All through my senior year, I was very nervous about college. Questions such as-What if my classes are too hard? What if I fail? What if I can't live on my own without my parents?-all ran through my mind constantly. I have now realized that college is just another step to adult-hood. There are always going to be nerve-wracking things that you have to go through, but the key is to go in with a positive attitude and trust that everything will work out for the best. If I had realized this while I was still in high-school, my transition would have been much smoother.
If I could talk to myself during senior year I would have many things to say that would make the switch to college life a lot easier. I would defiantly recommend applying for more financial aid to cover housing, because working forty or more hours a week to pay rent, and going to school full time is very similar to working two full time jobs, and the quality of my work both in school, and at work suffered because of the decision not to. Since I was working so many hours I was unable to study enough, which undoubtedly showed in my grades. I would also either suggest finishing the associates degree I was working towards before transferring, to make finding employment while going to school easier, or taking all general education classes first because they are more likely to transfer. I would advise my senior year self that going to another college in order to find what kind of degree and career is right for me is not wrong or a waste of time, because it results in a lot of good experiences and eventually helps me to realize what my calling in life is.
Not to get married and have children at such an young age. Get my degree and learn about myself before committing to a relationship.