Rhode Island College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Rhode Island College?


Great nursing program where you get a good deal of clinical expierence. I feel I will be well prepared for a my future career and will also have the ability to have continuity of study if I go on for my masters. Professors for the most part are caring. Overall it takes a lot of dedication and time to do well in this program.


The power of student government, our Div3 Basketball Team, the fact that it's in Rhode Island.


That it's a great school for those interested in Teaching or Nursing.


The music department and the education program. I belive the education program is the best in the state.


My school has a fantastic arts program. The concerts and plays are wonderful and engaging. I also like how, even though it is located in the city it is in its own area and looks more rural. It is a very inviting campus.