Radford University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Radford University?


This school has something for everyone so anyone type of person can attend this school ecause they will fit in and find people just like them


There is no one that should not attend Radford University. I believe Radford has a good fit and an appropriate size for a wide variety of students, and I don't think there is anyone on our campus who does not fit in somewhere.


In order to attend Radford you must be self disciplined, otherwise you may find yourself being distracted with other activities. It is easy to miss class and do other things while loosing sight of why exactly you are at school.


Preppy kids or slackers


Radford University is a place for everyone. There are tons of clubs to join and activities to be involved in around campus. The courses for your major are set out for you, it is just your responsibility to learn . Someone who is not ready to make a full time commitment to learning and doing their best should not attend this school. Everything you need is put in place for you, there is no reason to not succeed.


The only type of person that should not attend Radford University would be a male looking to play football in college, simply, because Radford does not have a football team; otherwise, RU is a great school for anyone. I wanted to have the perfect college experience with both academic and social success. Radford is a place where any type of person can have success in both.


I think that we're a pretty diverse school in terms of students and the events students can participate it. People that hate small towns may not like it at Radford though.


A person that should not attend this school is someone who does not like smaller colleges. Also anybody that really hates the countryside should not go to this school. Anybody who does not own a car should also consider the challanges of living in a place where everything is pretty much driving distance from the college.


A person that isn't socially active I think would have a hard time at this school because they would miss out on a lot of different opportunities. Meeting people could possibly bring out good aualities about yourself that you don't know.


Everyone is welcomed by students/,teachers, and faculty.