Quinnipiac University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known that the majority of the students at this school drink heavily in social situations. I don't drink at all, so if I knew this was the case at this school, I would have reconsidered coming here.


That it is not a huge party school, and that if I was looking to really party I should go somewhere else.


Meal plan and meals in general are not up to par.


I wish I had known that QU only guarantees housing for students up to their third (Junior) year. I may have considered a school with guaranteed housing all four years, although I am happy with my choice to attend QU.


that it was very hard and i would need to study and always do my work or i woudlnt do well


The only thing about Quinnipiac that I regret is the cost of a private education. I was completely happy with my experience there and I would absolutely choose Quinnipiac again, but sometimes I wonder if I could have been equally happy at a more affordable state school.


How many loans I was going to end up with, and how much money the people around you have, because when they really aren't worried about it it tends to stress you out even more.


I wish I researched the cost more.


i am pleased with the knowledge i came here with


I wish I knew how strict the RAs were.