Make sure your student is picking the college or university that is right for the way they learn. It is true that where you get the diploma from can still make or break you in the real world, but you might not be learning what you really need or in the way you need it. Make sure they take advantage of what the school has to offer them (library, career services, tutoring, etc...). Make sure they talk with their professors, not only can they provide a good recommendation after you graduate, but they can also give you more insight into what the student really wants to learn and can go beyond what is taught in class.
Find a college that is right for you. Make sure to get active and create good friends and be active in the community. The right college is one that should fit your needs and one in which you could picture yourself there. Ask the students on campus how they like it and make sure that you figure out whats important for instance the size of the class the particular major you like and what they do for fun. All these things will be of great help and in order to make the most of your expierence you need to be involved otherwise you never gave the college a chance, see what programs they offer and get involved.
Be yourself. If you have doubts or concerns do not go. Take chances but don't regret anything. Look around and find someone who looks, talks, dresses, or is similar to you. See how they interact with other students when on tour. When applying do not believe the pictures or the big words they say, that is to draw you in. Look to yourself when you look at your schools. This is your future and if you do not respect the time and research you put into it you'll pay for it with down years in your like.
Find a place that has a good program, looks well kept, and where you feel comfortable. About starting college, get involved from the start, don't put that off. People I see transfer out are people who don't put any effort into becoming involved on campus and find things they are passonite about. By getting involved from the first day I started college, I have meet so many new people and have found some of the best friends that will be with me for life.
The best thing for a student to do would be to spend a weekend at their school of interest. See if you can pair up with a current student and they can show you a typical academic day in classes and a typical social weekend. I believe that this is the only way to get a accurate balance of the school's two environments.
Give everything a chance. Just because something is new doesn't mean you are going to hate it. Make sure you are open to everything -- new opportunities, new people, new places and get involved in all that you do.
In order for students to find what they want and what excactly fits them it is important to look and tour all of the schools that you are interested in and don't stop at the first one! I fell in love with the first school I went to, but my current, top choice, was the last school I went and saw. It is all about putting yourself on that campus and picturing yourself walking the halls, if you can do that, you found your school!
Make sure to make more than one visit & try to spend a day there as a student. You could even find people online that attend the school currently and ask them some questions about how they like it
Make sure the school you go to fits, engages, interests, intrigues, and even challenges, YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. That is, don't pick the school your parents want, your boyfriend/girlfriend wants, or even your grandparents want. Maybe your parents are paying, but YOU, only YOU, are going to be there the better part of 4 years, and you want to make it as satisfying as possible.
The size of the school matters a lot especially with classroom size and help from teachers. The location is a big part as well. The program you are looking for is important. Diversity may be an important factor. You need to go visit the school because once you see the college you want to go to you know right away. Something about it will just feel right and you will know you are supposed to go there.