People with no motivation.
Someone who is focused, but open to meet many new people. Someone who is organized and has an idea of what they want to do with their career. It will take extra effort on your own part as the professors are not completely available, as it is more a research institution. You need to be outgoing to a degree and willing to take charge of your own life.
Somebody who doesn't have the work ethic to keep up in an engineering school.
If you're interested in science-based majors, then Purdue would definitely be the school for you. If you're planning to attend Purdue with Liberal Arts in mind, then you should DEFINITELY reconsider your choices. Currently, I am a Spanish Major with a minor in Sociology, and I think that Purdue is a joke of a university for Spanish majors. None of the classes are taken very seriously, and the subjects are just very elementary-like. The majority of Liberal Arts classes are considered by most as "blow off" classes, and I'd definitely have to agree.
One of the greatest things about Purdue is that there isn't a certain "kind" of person that does or doesn't fit in or shouldn't come here. We have a fairly large (and extremely diverse) campus but after living here for a little more than a semester I've never felt more at home. Within the university there are hundreds of different clubs and student organizations and they range drastically in interests. Its not hard to find your fit and once you do its like a home away from home.
People who are dependant and who need a lot of guidance should not go to Purdue. The person needs to be independant , sociable, and be able to do things on their own.
In my opinion students who decide to put a heavy emphasis on "partying" don't seem to do so well. Purdue is a serious school, so if one is looking to come here and party everynight and expect to do well they should realize that it won't work here. For the most part Purdue students take academics very seriously. I think I speak for most Purdue students when I say that when someone comes here we expect them to take school seriously too. So if youre not serious and want to party all the time, don't come here.
If you like small classrooms, Purdue is not for you. If you plan on being someone else when you come to college, Purdue is not for you. This university will chew you up and spit you out. If you are not able to study on your own and focus on what you need to get done, Purdue is not for you. You are going to fail if you can not stand on your own two feet. Mom and dad are not going to save you when you did not study for your exam. Expect your F with a smile.
If you are shy or afraid of large crowds of people, a large college campus, like mine is not for you. You need to be serious about your aeducation but also remember to have fun.
I really think purdue can be a place for everyone, however those who lose sight of their goals and are easily distracted by social events can end up failing purdue.