Providence College Top Questions

What are the academics like at Providence College?


Many old tenured teachers may steer freshman students away...once past entry level courses the professors are more professional and easier to learn from. Get ready to teach yourself your freshman year.


PC Acedemics will challenge you, there are some proffesors who will know your name, but there are others who wont care at all. The Western Civ program is a pain, seeing as you have to go to it everyday for freshman and sophomore year. The acedemic requirements are broad, and will expand your horizions.


Very strong academics with professors who take an active interest in your life. They want to know more than just academic stuff and really care about you. Can best be summed up by CIV. This is development of western civilization...two years, every day of the week. A pain, but everyone's taking it so not too bad. Some profs even give cell phone numbers. Registration is a bitch, but oh well, I don't know of any school that has it down perfectly. Challenging classes...


The Academics at PC are great. There are a fair share of awesome and horrible teachers at PC, you just have to know who to take. But there are so many terrific teachers that have a lasting impact on students. PC's academic requirements are ridiculous. There are so many core classes that it feels like high school all over again. First of all, there is the Development of Western Civilization (CIV), which meets five days a week for four semesters and covers the theology, philosophy, english, & history of the last 2000 years. Besides that, students are required to take 1 Social Science, 2 Science, 2 Philosophy, 2 Theology, & 1 Fine Arts. It's a blast! (If you liked high school....)