Palm Beach Atlantic University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Palm Beach Atlantic University know before they start?


If i was a senior in high school again I would push myself to do better in school and not give up. I would apply to colleges early and get prepared for the next chapter in my life. I would'nt fight with my friends over drama that meant nothing. You will look back at the decisions you made and all the friendships that you lost over drama. In college you meet friends that will one day be in your wedding, or by your side for the rest of your life. Always remember to choose the right friends because you don't want to be going through high school drama all over again. Anyways, college can be very fun but when it comes down to your future you need to give it your all. You have to push yourself and show what you're capable of doing. You may get overwhelmed with all the work at once but this is how you get prepared and consider time management. Lastly, pray every day because Jesus is the only one that can really help you and give you all the right answers you need.


If I could go back to a year ago and give myself one tip of advise about college, I would tell myself to reach out of my comfort zone and join as many clubs as I can to gain friends and to become involved. I was always the quiet person but college is a whole new ball game. Communicating with others can involve doing good deeds for the community. One of my first projects I had done as a student at Palm Beach Atlantic University was helping assist teachers at a low income school in a poverty area. I by far stepped out of my confort zone, however I changed my veiw on the world. That day my life changed for the better. To this day, I am an active volunter at the school and it fulfills my soul knowing I am touching hundreds of little childrens lives everyday. If I could go back to myself senior year of high school, I would tell myself to jump out of my comfort zone because God has a special plan for everyone and mine was found by crawling out of my shell which I called my comfort zone.


The advice I would give myself is to not be afraid of taking chances and seizing opportunities. Like any other college freshman, I was nervous about starting college. I tried to make friends, but I was timid. I wanted to join clubs, but I was afraid I wouldn't like them. I wanted to go to events, but I wasn't sure if I would know anyone there, so often times I didn't. Looking back, I wish I had made the first move and introduced myself to more people, joined the clubs, and gone to the events. Overall, my college experience has been great, but I know that it could have been better if I hadn't succumbed to my fears. I've realized that four years isn't as long as it sounds. I'm only going to do this once, so why not make the most of the opportunities I have?


Dear Younger Me, Listen, I know you don't like school, but trust me, it'll be worth it in the end. In the beginning, you aren't going to like it, you're going to think it's stupid and you're only doing it because your mom made you. Stick with it, because it gets so much better. You are going to meet so many different and fascinating people and you are going to learn so many amazing things. Sure, there will be some tough assignments, and you'll consider quitting, but there will also be moments that will be filled with friends and fun and joy when you complete that tough assignment. You may not believe me or anyone else who tells you that going to college is a good thing, but eventually, you'll figure it out. Hang in there. Leah P.S. Don't forget to turn in that Psychology homework. It's the only thing that stops you from getting an A.


Dear High School Gina, Let me be honest. You procrastinate a lot, and will surely do the same in college. BUT, knowing college work is going to take longer than one night to complete, please don't wait. Remember when you waited to do that one English project? And you had a legitimate panic attack? Practice some self discipline and dilligence now so that it won't be so new and difficult to adjust to in college. Time management is the key to success in college. A nap may seem quite appealing, but drink some coffee and fight! -College Gina


When in the decision process, make sure you are not settling for anything. College is going to be expensive, so you should not have to settle for any part of the experience. These should be the best years of your life, so make sure you do not regret the decision you make. The friends you make will guide you on a good or bad path. Do not be afraid to choose not to hang out with certain people you know will lead you down the wrong path. College is not a place to party every weekend, but a place to obtain an education. There is no reason to waste the money you are investing in the education just to drink it away. You can do that without going to college. Unless your life depends on your grades, the friendships you gain in college will be some that last forever, so choose to hang out with your friends rather than spending the extra hour studying for something you are already prepared for. There is a fine line between your social life and time spent with education. You have to decide what this line is, no body else can.


The advice I would give myself is to make sure I know exactly where I want to go and to explore all my options because you don't want to go somewhere and be unhappy.


If I could go back in time to talk to my senior self about college life and making the transition, I would tell myself to be prepared with a new environment. There will be things you will be unfamiliar with and people who you are not accustomed to, and you might feel uncomfortable at first, but you will get used to it within the first month. You will have to deal with roommates, some you will like and some you won’t like. However, try to build a relationship with them, and it will become easier. The classes you will be taking for your major will be difficult, but they will be easy as you progress. Find some clubs and interest groups you might be interested in. Do as much as you can while you are in college. Enjoy it, for it will be a great experience.


Don't stress out about the transition. It really is not that bad. You are not leaving your family. They are always a phone call or Skype call away and when you get to university, you will make great friends who will be your family. They will support you and love you in the same way that your family back at home did and still does. The academics are nothing to be scared of as long as you manage your time wisely and apply yourself to your studies. Also, join clubs. Get involved. Not only is this a great way to make new friends, but you will also learn a lot.


Often have I mused about this: if ever the opportunity presented itself, the first thing I would tell myself to seek immediate guidance from a school counselor to explain the process of applying to the UCs for the fall semester and the requirements needed. In high school I was virtually unaware of the application process and had no one to guide me. All around me my classmates were talking how they had been acceptable to UC Berkeley, UC Irvine and there I was perplexed. I would also tell myself to save a substantial amount of my earnings and only have enough available cash for things like gas and school materials. Those savings would have been beneficial for the study abroad trip to Cambridge University this summer. But most importantly, I would tell myself to sit down with my parents and discuss with them the importance of going to university and asking them for their moral support and encouragment which is what I have needed even now.