Pacific Northwest College of Art Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


There are tons of extracarriculars.There's a guest speaker at least once a week, free passes to TBA (the Time Based Arts festival) every Fall, lunch time performances in the commons, free life drawing twice a week, free yoga, beginning and and of the year parties, gallery openings on campus (free booze if you're old enough), and a bunch of clubs. The main campus building is open until 2am most night and the studio building is open 24 hours. There's always a variety of skinny, sleep deprived kids in various states of drunkeness and undress wandering around covered in paint and plaster. Expect to see at least one classmate naked per term. Art kids love to find excuses to take their clothes off, especially if they're into perfomance. I've been at PNCA for almost two years, and I find myself walking to class thinking, "I don't know that guy's name, but I've totally seen his peen".