I think I was well prepared to go to college, so I would not change anything I did my senior year in high school.
The academic part of school is, obviously, very important. I would go back and tell myself to remember that in college it is very important to stay focused on schoolwork. Procrstination is not a very good thing to do. It is better to keep up on the work load so that I wouldn't get behind. I would also tell myself to relax a little bit. It's good to take a break every once in a while and don't be too hard on yourself. College is a wonderful experience and a huge step in my life, make the best of it.
Advice that I would give myself would be to be more interactive. To not be afraid to show who you are in the classroom. People really do not care as much as you think they do when you are in class and giving presentations. Be proud of who you are. Do not be afraid to meet new people and take chances beacause they are rewarding. Get involved as much as you can and make it go around basketball. Be true to yourself and you loose friends and gain new ones but have fun, work hard and enjoy college. Make the most of basketball and do not let the small thing sweat you.
If I could give myself advice as a high school senior, I would remind myself to fill out scholarships. I would have a much better start on college right now if I didn't have to worry so much about money. The money is out there, it's just a matter of applying for the scholarships. I was busy as a senior, but I should have put my priorities in order better. I am even more busy now than I was then, yet I manage to apply for scholarships. It is a matter of not making excuses and using every second of the day to your advantage.
I would also tell myself to enjoy life more. Everyone makes college seem like one big party, but it's only a big party to those who blow it off. I wish I wouldn't have wasted my time waiting for college, because now I miss the friends that I've moved away from. You make new friends in college, but don't waste the time you have with your best friends from high school. It is important to work hard in high school, but it's also important to enjoy it!
The advice I would give myself is to think ahead of what my interest are for my future. To see if there are any classes that could help out a college class (example: marketing, accounting, a specific math, auto tech...) Even though many people change their major and minors, it is a good idea to have some kind of interest or lead towards a subject of interest as in science or teaching. For anyother advice is to remain open to classes and the people you are surrounded by; to explore the world that is unknown.
If I went back in time, it would be 1980. I would tell my self that I should go and see my Guidance Counselor to help with getting into college. I would tell my self that I should visits colleges and speak to studednts who attend to get their perspective on college life. I would write to colleges for much needed information about their school and apply to the college that offers a well rounded program. I would use my Guidance Counselor as my Advisor. If only I was 18 again, I would be that Doctor I was supose to be. I had no guidance.
Go to Olivet from the beging
The best advice I could give myself as a college senior would be to give up drinking a lot sooner. I gave up alcohol coming out of my freshman year at Olivet. Even though I maintained good grades, and was actively involved in campus, I feel that drinking held me back from really achieving everything I could have done. I would also tell myself not to worry about money so much. It all works out in the end. Probably the best advice I could give myself, is to not let the stress get to me. Go into each semester knowing that I have to find time for school work, and then a social life. Once I find that balance I will really step up my school work, and accomplish a lot more. The very last piece of advice I could think to give would be to not hide who I am. Olivet is very accepting of different people, no matter race, sex, orientation or etc. It will make my freshman year that much more enjoyable.
If I could travel back into time and give myself advice I would do it in a heartbeat. Since attending college I have realized most of this information I have already learned. However, in college there are a few more minor details. I would tell myself to really focus and to study. Take in information, work with friends, rehearse, read and then review the text. If I would have done those things I would have been more prepared for the new information introduced rather than relearning the previous language from highschool. Another piece of advice I would give is to practice time management. This is key in college since everything is on you, one individual and not your parent(s) anymore. Use a planner and carry it with you all the time. This will be helpful to remember what bills need to be paid, when a test is, when homeowork's due, or when an appointment may be. The last thing I would do is to apply for an many scholarships as possible. There are many out there and take advantage of your resources before it is too late. There are many teachers and advisors who would love to help.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a senior I would tell myself many different things. The first would be to look at many different types of school. As a senior, I focused on smaller schools because I wanted to play volleyball and didn't really focus on school even though I was naturally a good acadmic student. So my first bit of advice would be to look at bigger schools. The second bit of information I would tell myself would be to get a job over the summer. College takes a lot of money and by getting a job over the summer I wouldn't have to work so much during college and juggle sports, a job and school. The third and last thing I would tell myself is to learn to manage my time. College has a lot of things going on and if you can't manage your time you will fall behind in school. These are the most imporant key points that I would mention to myself and simply say good luck.