Make sure to study as much as possible, college classes are not as easy as high school classes. Get to know as many people as you can, all the students are here for the same reason and are very nice. Also, just relax and have fun.
If I could go back in time to myself as high school senoir knowing what I know now I tell myself to be patient. I would want to pick the best university possible that met my needs as a student first and a person second. I would tell myself to work hard in every class even if you think it is an easy one. Do not skip any classes because you can miss a lot in one day, even if you don't think so. Make friends in your classes becaus you never know when you will need a helping hand. Keep in touch with your family because you will need a very strong support system to keep you motivated, especially your mother. The most important thing is to always believe in yourself, because that is the start to a great education. If YOU don't believe that you CAN succeed then know one else will believe you can either.
I would tell myself that I should apply to as many scholarships as I can. The more scholarships I get the more financial aid I get which means less of my money and less debt when I graduate. I would also tell myself that I need to be more assertive and try and find more friends outside of my high school buddies.
Take more community college classes, save more money, apply for more scholarships or grants!
I would definitely go back and tell myself to buckle down and highly prepare myself to become an adult. Honestly, the most important thing would have been to take much more AP classes since it is so easy to get behind in college. Those extra credits would have been a step above normal freshmen credits, and graduation would most likely be sooner. I would also tell myself to deal with anxiety and fear of people as soon as possible. Having anxiety in college causes you to feel worried about numerous things all at once, and dealing with that in high school would definitely help upon entering into college.
I would just say, "Be yourself". When I first got into college, I would change my attitudes and ways around different groups of people. If people do not like how you are, then those people do not deserve to have you as a friend. This will not only help you to gain confidence, but it will help you to feel very comfortable. You won't have to be nervous and say, "Oh, there's him and her. I need to act this way or that way". It would just make you feel at peace.
There are many things that we wish we could go back in time and inform ourselves for what may be in store or what to expect in the future. If I had the ability to speak to with my senior high school self, I would inform him about many things of the college life. One of the main things we would talk about is that college is not what I initially expected.
Many times, aspiring college students believe college to be filled with partying and lull themselves into the false sense that college is easy or not as difficult. Seeing many of my friends and peers deceive themselves into thinking this, I would advise my former self of this and also have him reiterate to those persons to not be taken aback by such beliefs. Another important point that I would make would to remember to stay assertive and aggressive my attempt to fulfill my life and career goals. With this information, I would hope that my pas self make even better decisions that I had.
It is not as scary as you think it will be. Believe in yourself. Don?t be scared that no one will really like you. You will find people that you have things in common with. Even the people who you do not have a lot in common with can become great friends. Speak up in class. It is ok to not already know what you are learning. That is why you are there. To learn. Don?t slack off or procrastinate. It may seem like a pain to always be doing work, but it is not fun to have to play catch up because you put off doing the work. Always have an open mind and know that people will not always see things your way. Take every opportunity you get to go out and meet new people. It feels easier to stay in your little ?bubble? but life is much more exciting when you try new things and mmet new people. Do not take everything from home with you to the dorms. You only need the basics and things to make it warm and inviting. If you think of something you need you can always get it later.
I would tell them that school is what you make of it. If you do not get into the school of your dreams all is not lost. What you must then do is make the most of the opportunity that is presented to you. So if you desire to go to school and be successful than you have to work hard to be successful. Going to Harvard isn't going to make you that way. You have to earn your degree. If you want to just party than your grades will reflect that.
It is important tofind a school that fits your personality just as much as your academic goals. Make surethat you are comfortable at whatever school you choose. Its nice to have friends there that you already know but its not hard to meet new friends. Just because a student is off at college, the parents should still be involved; this lets the student know they still have support. Most importantly, study hard and don't let the social atmosphere get in the way of your purpose, which should be to get a degree so that you can be successful later on down the road.