Oklahoma Christian University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Oklahoma Christian University? Why?


The Cafeteria doesn't have the best food.


Well, it costs a lot.


The way they deal with VA (GI Bill) funding. They tend to be slow and the person in charge of VA funding at the school in not even in the business or finacal aid offices.


I think the worst thing about my school is that students with under 30 hours have curfew.


I have not previously attended Oklahoma Christian University, so I am not privy to the shortcomings of the school.


I am a new student to this school and have not attended the university for a full semester. I have visited the campus and explored what the campus has to offer and so far I have not found anything I would consider to be the worst thing about this school. Because I have not attened the actual school, the only thing I can say is the worst thing about Oklahoma Christian is that this school is in Oklahoma.


I can truly say I can't find one thing negative about my school!


It requires me to be away from my family.


Oklahoma Christian University does not have great tolerance for ideas or beliefs that do not follow the professor's. If there is anything remotely "odd" about a person, then it seems that the first solution sought is counseling. Counseling should not be the first option open to people who are expressing themselves.


The worst thing about my school is probably the closed mindedness about religions outside of Christianity. If a student is not of a Church of Christ background, there is not much inclution in campus activities.