To find the right college, you have to investigate all that a particular college offers to see if it is a right for you. Once you have picked a college, you have to make sure to experience everything that the college has to offer to make sure that you are making the most out of your time spent there.
The only person that knows if the college is right for them is the student going there and they need to be able to see themselves at that school. You should love the college that you go to, and in order to make the most of your college experience you need to not focus TOO much on the coursework, but allow yourself to have some fun on the weekends. You will never get to experience the true college life if you never go out and have a little fun. Just be sure you balance your school work with the fun, but most students don't have a problem with that. The student knows when they have found the right school, they just have to keep looking until they find it!
The best advice for parents and students about finding the right college for themselves, or their sons and daughters, is to find a school or university that truly makes you happy. I was a varsity letterman in football during high school and the best way that helped me really decide what college was best for me, was to picture a college where I would still enjoy the experience and academics; if football wasn't to be apart of my life anymore. If you enjoy the place that you are going to be learning at, you will have a great experience. The best way to succeed is to create a balance between your social life and your academics. If you are doing too much of one of the other, you could find it hard adjusting to the college lifestyle. If you party too much and don't hit the books, you will probably flunk out and if you study too much and refuse to meet new people, you will find yourself very lonely. So find a balance! That's what helped make my decision about choosing a school and how to make the most of my college experience. Good luck!
When choosing a college, I think one of the most important things a person should do is visit the campus, and if possible, more than once. Students should definitely try to experience the campus at many different times of the year and witness the current students reactions to their school. Simply reading about a college and viewing their website will not give the student the correct feel of the school. In order to make the best of your college experience, it is imperative to realize that everybody is in the same boat. You are all new, on your own for the first time, and alone. Do your best to open up to people and sooner rather than later you will find some great friends. Study hard, always attend your classes (you're paying so much money for them, why would you want to skip one?!), but make sure to have some fun every once and awhile too!
I would tell parents that they need to start early. They need to talk with their child and first make some key decisions: What's the furthest college you would attend? and How much tuition can you afford? Make a list of 20 or so colleges that fit these guidelines. Then as the student reaches Junior and Senior year, begin to narrow the choices even more by using the majors the schools offer. When the list gets as low as 5 begin to make weekend plans to go and visit the campuses of the colleges. Hopefully after this the decision should be made.
To make the most out of your college experience you must get involved. If you are involved in something you will meet new people and make friends. Another tip is to keep your mind open to new and exciting things. College is a lot different than High School and offers a lot more. If you don't make any friends in the first few weeks don't fret. Talk to the kids in your class and ask for a study session. Try new things and eventually you will be satisfied.
Make you sure you research the schools very carefully. Don't try to be somebody that your not, pick a school that's right for you, not what you think you want to become.
You graduated high school. Congratulations! Now what..? Now comes college. Choosing the right college to attend can be quite a daunting task. When touring schools, you may get the feeling that "This is where I'm supposed to be". As cleeshay as it might sounds, I agree with it 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. Take a step back and realize that this decision can potentially change the rest of your life. Do they have the major that you want? Is it close enough (or far away enough) from home? Although these little details may not seem important now, you might re-think being 4 hours away from home when you have the flu.
Okay now, you picked a school that you fell in love with. Once again, now what? Now the fun starts! Forget the reputation you had in high school. College holds one of life's unique opportunities to start fresh. Don't be affraid to try new things. Try a new sport! Join a club! Learn a new language! Most important of all in the hustle and bussle, never forget your family and supporters. A letter home might not seem like much, but it means the world to those receiving your love!
You should choose a school that you feel comfortable with and a school that you know fits you all around not just the academics but the surroundings, the campus and the type of people that attend the school.
I think the most important thing for students and parents to consider before choosing a school is to go wander around campus on days when the college itself is not hosting orientations and visits. Sip coffee in the coffee shops, talk to people on the streets, check out the libraries and the Rec centers, and talk to the students you see walking to classes. You'll get a real, honest answer that will allow you to choose the best college that fits not only your academic needs but your social needs as well.
Sometimes it is hard, once a student arrives on campus, to overcome the shyness inherent in us all when faced with so many strangers. Universities offer many activities to help break the ice in the dorms and on the campus, but the best thing a student can do is to turn to the people who sit beside them in class and start talking in those few minutes before and after class. Not only will you make a new friend in a more one on one interaction, but you will have someone to borrow notes from if you miss a class.
Staying away from home is all about comfort, so find the place where you feel at home, the place you can imagine not wanting to leave in four years. Visit as many times as possible, and ask students, who will give you REAL answers, every and any question you have. Once your choose, get involved! Although you may get straight A's, not having real life experience to put on a resume won't make you stand out. If you join a club, hold a position, if you play a sport, make captain, whatever it is, show your future employers that once you're part of something, you will do what it takes to make your mark on it. And that is what college is about, making your mark, finding out who you are and what you want to become. It truly is the best time of your life, so find a college that the second you step foot on campus you love it, and don't settle for anything less. There are thousands of colleges out there (each with adequate financial aid to help you), so do not give up searching until you find your dream college!