Peole who dislike partiers, drinkers and smokers should probably think of a more calm school to go to, because Ohio University is a big party school, where most people you run into will more than likely party.
Unfortunately, Ohio University is known to be a party school. Students who just want to come here to party should not come here at all. I know a few girls that are here for parties and they have already been in trouble with the law and have jeopardized their futures because of it. A student shouldn't go to any college just to party, but especially don’t come to Athens; with our major reputation the university and police department have cracked down. You will be caught, you will get in trouble, and you will ruin your future.
Heavy drinkers, those easily pursuaded to do poorly if those around them aren't doing well, and the types that think they can slide by with mediocre work ethic.
Someone who isn't goal driven should not attend Ohio University using their online program. It is an accelerated program that crams a normal 15 week semester of info into 5 weeks. Only the focused and organized should attempt this program.
Personally, I believe that anyone who is easily coerced into doing things that they usually would not and individuals who cave easily to peer pressure should not attend this university. It is extremely easy to be found under circumstances where there is alcohol and even drugs are present at even the most innocent campus events, let alone the parties that the university is known for. If a person were to make the wrong decision it could easily impact their college career if not the rest of their life.
Someone who, like me, doesn't care about drinking/alcohol.
I feel that a person who is seeking to experience an Afrocentric higher level education should definitely stay away from Ohio University. Though improvements have been made, much of the shopping and attractions are still geared toward the white student.
Someone who is not willing to be involved and around a wide variety of viewpoints and backgrounds should not attend this school. Ohio is very diverse, and it is even located in an area very different from what most people have been raised in (Appalachian Ohio). One of the best parts of the University is its amazing group of people and ideas, however if you are closed minded Ohio would not be the place for you.
Anyone is welcome to this school, the students are very accepting. A word of caution to those who are bothered by the party atmosphere; this school is a nationally ranked party school and can get a bit rowdy. However, there are always fun alternatives to the party scene available.
I thnk that Ohio University is a school for all different types of students since they offer a very wide variety of personalities and interests however I don't think a student that is only interested in socializing or is looking to breeze through college should go to this school.