Ohio State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Ohio State University-Main Campus?


For me the most frustrating thing about my school is the location. Since I live in Alaska, I wish I could be closer to home but this school was the most beneficial option to my education and pocketbook. Along with the location, I wish the surrounding Columbus area wasn't so dangerous and unkept.


The class science and math classes are always huge. I'm taught by graduate professors instead of certified teachers as well.


The classes are so big it is sometimes hard to hold a good transfer of information between the students and professors.




Finding out about your financial aid status is slow.


Getting out of school late (early June). Knowing that you will hit traffic most likely when you are on I-71, between Cleveland and Columbus.


The most frustrating thing about my school is when there is a specific course that I need for my major and, because of scheduling windows, I cannot get into the class and I am set back a quarter. But, even though that has happened to me a couple of times, I have been able to take the class the next quarter and I am able to graduate on time with all of my credits, so it's not that inconvenient.


the class sizes are very large


The most frustrating thing about Ohio State is finding off-campus housing! You have to sign leases before Christmas break or else you won't get a decent location. It doesn't help that while you're doing all of that it's final exam week!


Being nickel and dimed by the school for the bill, and with that, the high cost of on-campus food and on-campus housing