Ohio State University-Main Campus Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Ohio State University-Main Campus!


You need to make it work for you, not the other way around, otherwise your time here will suck.


My biggest piece of advice is to stay open-minded. A big college, or specifically Ohio State, may not be the college for everyone. But if OSU is somewhere you're considering, make it a point to come to campus during the academic year for a visit. Walk around campus, and stay a while after your tour to do some more sightseeing. Ohio State has a lot to offer, so do your best to check everything out!


We have a kick-ass president. Karen Holbrook was finally usurped and Gordon Gee has returned!! I just had a beer with him at a local bar during a meet and greet put on by the student council. He much more student-oriented and is a cool guy in person.


The worst thing about going to the regionais is being disrespected by main campus we are treated like outcasts begging for $ and help with things . We need to put a higher emphasis on supporting the regionals They have done a great job of picking up the freshman and we need facilities that are respectable for example rec center


Even though OSU is such a large environment, you can find so many "flavors" from around the world and so many different personalities. Just don't get caught up in the partying and forget your school work, which should come first above all things. You don't want to get low marks in freshman year and take the next 3 years to try to bring it up. GPAs are easy to lower but extremely difficult to bring up. Best wishes to those who read this!




If you are minority, try to participate in the volunteer group at Asian Festival -- an annual events that all minorities can work as a big family.