Focus on academic performance in high school in order to position yourself for academic scholarships that the college offers. Know that the SAT is key to obtaining funds. Never lose your focus on the first and foremost goal of why you are attending college which is to get an education. It is very easy to get caught up into all of the extra curricular activities that college has to offer. Never lost site of this goal as it can cost you thousands of dollars to end up in college longer than expected. Stay on campus until you graduate...There are less distractions and more structure in a dorm.
If I could go back in time, I'd advise my high school self to be completely prepared. Apply for as many scholarships as you can and even once cleared financially, look for scholarships for the upcoming years. I would also tell myself to hit the ground running once a college student. I was use to being an A student and once I was in college, I didn't really push myself as hard as I could have. I've always made good grades, but I know I'm capable of making exceptional grades. I'd also tell myself to put myself out there more. I am now a Senior in college and I wish I had been more involved on campus. I could have made a bigger impact on my peers lives and my own had I taken more chances and stepped outside of the box. I guess in short I'd advise myself simply by saying go for it!
As a high school senior I think that I would have pushed myself a little bit harder with my school work and SAT's/ACT's. I also would have pushed myself to start off at a university versus a community college. I just think that I would have gained a little more getting my AA degree from a university.
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior with the knowledge that I know now, I would give myself a few words of advice. I would encourage myself to stay focused on my schoolwork. I would tell myself that time management is very important in college, and that I shouldn't wait till I get to college to start managing it. I would encourage myself to study harder, to increase my GPA and SAT and ACT scores. I would remind myself that higher scores equal more money for college. Lastly, I would tell myself to enjoy my high school years, because time flies in college. I would tell myself to enjoy my years as a teenager, because responsibilities would only increase with age. I would tell myself that I have nothing to fear, because college is a wonderful experience and I will make friends there that would last me a lifetime. I would pat myself on the back and congratulate myself on making the best choice for my future by choosing Oakwood University.
If I could go back I would tell myself to study more and learn to say no when people want to do something. The classes are not like high school and acctually require me to study. In addition there is always something to do at college, so sometimes you have to say no.
If I would go back in time, I would tell myself, "Kimberly, you need to get involved with on campus activities. Join clubs, join student government and volunteer your time to help incoming students understand how the transition from middle to high school. You need to set the example and lead by example. Set your bar high and expect nothing but excellence. You are the future and you need to take advantage of every opportunity that is available to you. Make the best out of your last year and most importantly PERSEVERE!!!! Do you best and don't let anyone or anything distract you from reaching your full potential. Apply yourself to the most of your capacity and influence others to do the same in the process. Make that you help your peers and encourage them to want more out of life because that will empower them to be better.
I would first tell myself the importance of making good friends. Having a good circle of friends that know when to study and when to relax is great. Make sure that you have friends that are trying to make it out of college with a degree and a goal in mind. Second, organizing your time and knowing your priorites are very important and 2 major factors that will help you do extremly well in college. Finally, try your hardest to never give up. Alot of times you may give up on something when you don't realize that you were only a few steps from greatness. Have something to believe in. Have a set goal and never change it. If one way of achieving your goal isnt working try another way but continue trying for that goal until it is completed. College life is all about self disipline and how your personality and goals will fit within a new setting and place. It is all a challenge. If you keep these things in mind I promise that you will be very happy in the long run and very successful as well. That's what my goal will be.
"Hey Weybrielle, so your about to go to college huh? well studying five minutes before your test isn't going to help you this time; these classes were just birth contractions to the classes your going to take in college. You need to stop procrastinating and manage your time wisely. Mommy and daddy arent going to be nagging in your ear anymore about doing your little homework problems and asking "Dont you got some studying to do?" or "let me see your report card" Your going to have all the freedom you want and its going to creep up on you so fast, oh yea, by the way, the teachers aren't going to be calling home telling your parents your not doing so good on your test; so your on your own. Your a senior now, you know how you said last week if you could start high school all over you would do better? well, here's your chance again...except...this is college, education isnt free anymore so you really dont have time to waist, loans and money because you know what daddy always says, "Time is money" and "Money dont grow on trees." Get it together.
Dear Abigail,
Wow, girl, you've come a long way. From the ghetto in West Philadelphia to a graduating senior, you beat the odds, babygirl. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't see it coming. I knew there was something special about you from the start. Well, here you are now, 18 years old and greatly anticipating your graduation. It's been a long four years in high school, but you hung in there. I heard you got accepted to Oakwood University on scholarship, here's a few things I think you should know: 1) College is a different ballgame, things you couldn't do in high school are at your leisure in college. Choose how YOU will spend YOUR time wisely. 2) Oakwood is an HBCU, which means plenty blessed and highly favoured men to choose from. Remember this: a man will always be there. Dont waste time getting caught up in relationships that probably wont last anyway. 3) Don't kill yourself for a degree. Your peace of mind should come before any good grade. Trust in God, and He will place you on a rock to stay.
The 20- year- old you
I've learned so many things about myself and how to treat others. Oakwood has many people from different cultures and places. Just learning about the people around this world is great. The NAPS Association has impacted my sisters and I the most out of college.