Oakwood University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Oakwood University? Why?


The worst thing about my school is the food because the menu is all based on a vegetarian diet.


The worst thing about my school is that there is little school spirit.


Although it is a minor concern for many, I would have to say that one not so pleasant thing about Oakwood is its food. While I know that the chef's are trying to make the food tasty, it isn't exactly good. Oakwood University is a vegetarian campus-- which I absolutely support-- but sometimes the food is vegetarian, but not necessary healthy. I believe our food should be both nutritious and appetizing.


There is a deep need for innovation. When new ideas a re presented to faculty, they are not very well recieved and often critized. They have a very regimented and old-fashioned way of doing things. Therefore, any type of new idea is disqualified.


The worst thing about my school is the lack of career job offers


The thing that I consider the worst about my school is the lack of accommodations for students with disabilities. The school has a difficult time providing materials in alternate format for students with exceptionalities. Furthermore, a lot of the buildings do not have ramps and elevators for those who use wheelchairs and Braille numbers on the signs of classrooms and offices.


Seeing that Oakwood University is a Seventh-Day Adventist HBCU, we do not have cultural diversity. Almost everyone is the same race and religion. Although you always have someone to relate with, I don't typically experience a lot of different types of different people.


Curfew is the only thing about my school that I hate, but it also allows me to stay focus.


The worst thing about my school is the level temptation that surrounds Oakwood University. Oakwood University is a Christian school so it can sometimes be troublesome to "keep your eyes on the prize". To live a "Christ-like" life-style, maintain a heavy prayer life, and stabilize a structured social living that you can prosper from (friends for example) can be tough considering the world we live in now. That's the worst thing about my school but I'm grateful because it's making me a better person.


The worst thing about my school is that we get fined, especially our first year, for not wearing appropriate clothing according to university standards, wearing jewelry which is not permitted, and having to mandatorily attend three worships a week. I understand the premise for which these standards were put in place, but it is a burden to some students. I have come to accept these things and though they may not bother me consistently, sometimes I feel as though it's too much. Oakwood University should encourage and explain their standards to appeal to the students versus mandatory enforcement.