Notre Dame de Namur University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


My school is best known for its rich variety of education that it offers. This includes the reason that i have applied to this school since it is the only university in Northern California to have an Art Therapy program in general. This university also offers a PH.D in this program


My school is best known for their size. NDNU has a great sense of community and pride. As I said previously, the size makes a big difference when it comes to getting classes, but it also helps with being social among the student body. The students make you feel at home and at ease while you are there. It is easy to make friends, and especially GET INVOLVED! Whether it is the staff or the student body, everyone is friendly.


NDNU is known for its small classroom enviroments. The ability to get to know the professors helps you succeed throughout your college career here at NDNU.




NDNU is best known for being a good place to earn masters degrees and teaching credentials.


Founded upon the values of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and rooted in the Catholic tradition, Notre Dame de Namur University serves its students and the community by providing excellent professional and liberal arts programs in which community engagement and the values of social justice and global peace are integral to the learning experience. NDNU is a diverse and inclusive learning community that challenges each member to consciously apply values and ethics in his or her personal, professional, and public life.


As a small private university, Notre Dame de Namur is well known for its intimate feel. Once enrolled ,students will quickly start noticing familiar faces in classes and within little time will feel as if they know most people on campus. The faculty will most likely know you by name and that is probably one of the single most helpful things that contribute to the students success.


drinking and partying. really caring teachers