Northern Arizona University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Arizona University know before they start?


Freshmen definitely need to know there way around campus. They also need to know how the meal plans work. Transfers, dining dollars, and Jack debit aside from paying with cash or credit are the common ways of buying food. Also, knowing the time of the office hours of the professors is useful.


The advice I would give myself when I was a senior would be to choose what college i wanted to attend carefullly. I would tell myself what kind of environment would I want to stay in. I would get all my financial aid all straightened out. I would also make a promise with myself and tell myself that I will get good grades and hurry up and finish school. I have to stay focused on my classes and keep up with my reading material.


Start exploring career opportunities while still in high school. You will be more likely to pick a major that you are interested in and stick with it. There is no sense in wasting time and money figuring out what you want to do. You have your whole life ahead of you to enjoy yourself. Try not to be distracted by all the social opportunities. Keep a balance between study and fun. Get involved early in planning for graduate school. Do an internship and spend time working in a research lab. Fully investigate the professor and the course before you decide to take a class. Remember this is your experience. You cannot rely on your academic advisor to make all of the decisions for you. Make sure you are keeping track of your own degree plan. Treat this experience like a job by being thorough and investigating every opportunity. It is your responsibility to make sure that all you do is keeping you directed towards your goals. When you choose extra-curricular activities make them fun but also keep them in line with your future goals. Get involved in things that boost your career plans and ability to further your education.


Save money, study harder for the SAT and ACT, retake the AIMS and take the scholarship, work harder in community college, stay at your parents house, keep the job at MPS, travel/study abroad, take spanish 101 and 102 in community college, apply to more colleges, get your associates in your actual field of study, get out more.


I wish that I would have been more involved in campus life, because making friends and connections would have made life easier and more fun. I also wish that I had known how helpful professors can be. I was so scared to talk to the professors because I thought they wouldn't care about their students' needs. However, in actuality the professors are almost always willing to help students in many different situations.


If I could give my high school self any advice, it would be to trust my own skills as a student and not cause myself so much stress. In high school I was always trying to be the best student, but didn't feel like I was. Now that I am in college, I realize that I actually was a very good, responsible student in high school. Had I realized how well I was actually doing, I would have been a much more relaxed teenager.


If I could go back and give myself advice, I would tell me to save the extra money I spent on Fast Food, driving around when I didnt need to, and there is a thing as to much shopping. I know now saving is the most important thing while in college. Every cent really counts.


The advice I would have given myself as a senior would be very simple. Life is a journey, there are bumps along the way, and no one is saying it's going to be easy. Keep your chin up and do your best, no one can ever blame you for not trying. As a favor to yourself, don't let anyone run your life or make decisions for you. If you don't make them, chances are, you won't follow through. You have to be in it for the win and in it for yourself before you start pleasing others. Doing what you know is right is always better then gaining an advantage over others, never forget that. Chances are, if you aren't trying, you will not succeed, so keep at it with all your heart and remember the goal. Always keep yourself accountable to someone close to you who will keep you true to yourself, and don't be lazy and pass up opportunities just because you are too tired or don't believe something is worth it. Stay true to yourself and be honest with others. Explore, create, learn, enjoy, love, cherish and never give up.


If I had the ability to travel back in time and visit myself as a high school senior, I would only need to say one word: scholarships. Free money is everywhere; you just have to be active and actually look for it. I would inform myself that it is, indeed, worth my time and effort to seek out and apply for every scholarship for which I qualify. As a senior in high school, I didn’t have the motivation to go out and search for opportunities to fund my education. It wasn’t until I began attending college that I realized how much money is actually necessary. If I had the motivation I have now, I would be able to cut back loans and the cost of my education quite a bit.


I know that you are thinking about moving to New York, I would highly recommend it to you. As you now the world has been going through many socio-econmics problems during the last ten years. Now we are living in a era of competence where everybody is looking for the best opportunity in order to built a good future. Moving to New York will give you the chance to improve your knowledege as well the chance to have a better job and life. I am not saying that if you stay in The Dominican Republic you are going to anywhere I just want you to make the right decision and get the chance of receiving a good education. I am really impressed about myself, in two years I have achieved important goals in my life as been recognized my the college by been a hard worker student. In less than a year I am going to finish my Associated Degree . Now I am almost ready to transfer to a four year college where I am going to continue improving my knowledge.Your future is in your hands, just follow your heart, life is just one take advantage of it.