Northern Arizona University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northern Arizona University know before they start?


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to put myself out there more in the beginning of my college career and to meet as many people as possible. Knowing people around your campus is beneficial both academically and socially. If you wait too long or stay with the same people, you deprive yourself from the true college experience. Also, I would tell myself to take a wide variety of classes my first semester, because what you think you want to study in college is often much different than what you actually end up studying.


Stand up for what you believe is the right thing to do. Just because someone is older than you and supposedly "wiser" does not mean that they know the best path for you. Make your own mistakes, you will learn. Make decisions and choices with your whole heart put into them. Be passionate about what you say and do. Do not let others get in your way. Do not doubt yourself when your dreams are almost within reach. Challenge yourself, It's the only way you will learn anything, and who knows ... you may have a the time of your life while doing it. Learn to embrace others and their divsity. Some of the strangest people you meet may just come out to be your best friend. But most of all, have confidence in yourself and your dreams and do everything with 110 percent.


People always told you that college would be the best time in your life, and it is. Make sure you put the book down sometimes and set aside part of your week to remeber your duties to your friends. They may be strudggling more than you know. The new friends that you make in your classes will be your friends for life and they are just as important as the ones that followed you to college. Classes are the path to finishing your college journey, but don't forget to look around and enjoy what's around you: a great campus, a great town and great people. And one more thing, always do what your triathlon coach tells you.


I would tell myself to manage my time better. and to stay focus through the whole school year.


RELAX. You have nothing to worry about because your classes in college are fun and, although they are demanding, are worth it. your GPA will be better than you've ever seen. Don't party too hard but be outgoing and talk to people so that you can make new friends. Don't let other people tell you what to feel about others. Let your own thoughts and emotions guide you to the right choice. Don't let yourself be seduced too easily by dorky, cute guys. They are usually not worth it. Just have fun and don't get stressed out.


Calm down. No matter what you chose you'll be happy. You can find your niche anywhere. Even if you chose wrong you can always switch and try again. When you get to school don't be afraid to be outgoing. Talk to people, they'll talk back. Join a group or club, its how you make good friends. Don't be afraid of the academic work load. You can do it. Work out and watch what you eat otherwise you'll feel disgusting at the end of the year. Keep in touch with family and friends and those that matter most to you.


If I could go back to my senoir year I would change a lot of stupid decisions I have made. I have made decisions that I deeply regret. These decisions not only affected me but my family as well. My deepest regret is that my little sister looked up to me and when I slacked off last year she was dissapointed in me and I had to earn her respect back and that was the hardest thing for me. Last year I slept and watched tv instead of going to class and by the time I started going back to class it was too late to bring my grades up. The sad thing is, is that when I went back I loved the classes and the things I was learning. I wished I could go back to that first day I decided to sleep through class and get out of bed and realize that I can sleep in after I retire after a successful career. Fixing grades is hard work but after I did over the summer I promised to never let myself hurt my family or myself again. It took a lot of work but i am finally happy!


To major in a scientific field, not get involvrd with the social sciences as a major.


" Senior year? First semester is the time to really focus on school; second semeser you're kinda off the hook! Thats when you start shifting your focus to scholarships. If you find scholarships you are eligible for, apply for them now, because as you get higher in your education, the less there are that are open to you. Don't skip out on Ferbuary. You'll regret it... and when you finally get to school...(college) don't be afraid to just randomly start conversations with people around you. Remember, hanging out in the freshman dorm does NOT make you lame. Its where you'll meet your best friends. They're new too, remember? And they want to hang out just as bad as you do. In May of your freshman year, say this to yourself again: You're free! NOW is the time to start focusing on the now. It isn't just about the future anymore. So long as you focus and get work done when you have downtime (like when everyone else is in class and you're free), you'll be able to find funtime. Just remember to relax; enjoy this. Its only here for now."


The biggest advice that I could give to my high school senior self is: buckle up. I went straight from graduating young to college life at the age of 17. The transition was a huge growing point in my life and I matured more in my first year of college than I had in most of my life. I would also advise myself to keep in contact with as many friends from high-school as I can. This advice would not come from lack of friendships at college, because I have found many, but because nothing is more relaxing after finals week than sitting around with old friends and remembering good times. These friends and family make the college experience not only bearable, but enjoyable. They inspire the confidence necessary to rise to the challenge. Confidence plays a big part of college life, I would tell myself, so always keep your head held up, know that tomorrow will come whether you get an A or a B on the next test, and the snow is always deeper than it seems.